Alec's Angle

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His fiance's graduation ceremony was the highlight of Alec's week. He loved having his future aunt-in-law visiting, and he was more proud of Magnus than he thought possible, but that had been back in May; July was now upon them. Aleida had long returned home and it was their turn to visit her.

"I'll book flights," Alec said in passing a few weeks before they were supposed to leave.

"No, you will not," Magnus replied. Alec was taken aback.

"How are we supposed to get there then?" He asked.

"It's your turn to live in my world," Magnus had simply replied, which is how Alec had come to appreciate just how uncomfortable busses were after about four hours. In fact, he could not remember when he'd last been this uncomfortable. His butt hurt from the hard cold seat, and there weren't any seat belts so he kept sliding down whenever the bus hit a bump on the road.

"Are we almost there?" Alec whined, but Magnus just chuckled. Alec groaned, then Magnus began stroking his hair and Alec decided it wasn't so bad. He rested his head on his fiance's shoulder, and gazed out the window at the seemingly endless trees and telephone poles flying by. Alec couldn't imagine life getting any better than this. Sure, he was already very aware of how much he hated busses, and yes he wanted a pillow, but Magnus was here. Alec could feel the other man's cool finger tips at his temple, could hear his slow even breathing. Alec closed his eyes, and when he opened them the bus had stopped.

"Are we there now?" Alec asked. Magnus laughed with more energy this time.

"Yes Alexander," Magnus chuckled. "Yes we are."

"That wasn't so bad," Alec said. "I thought you said it was a whole day kinda trip?"

"You slept through half of it," Magnus explained.

"I fell asleep?" Alec asked, surprised.

"And snored too," Magnus giggled.

"I do not snore!" Alec said defiantly.

"True," Magnus conceded. "On a bed you don't, but now we know busses are different." He was grinning from ear to ear, and Alec just knew Magnus was enjoying this far too much.

Just then, the doors of the bus opened and people started getting out. It seemed they'd been waiting for the driver to open the luggage compartment underneath.

"Next time we fly," Alec grumbled as they went together to get their suitcase. Magnus hadn't let Alec pack as much as he wanted and insisted they share one suitcase. Sure, it made sense now that Alec had seen the size of the buses luggage hold, but still.

"Where are we going?" Alec asked as Magnus grabbed their luggage by the handle and started walking.

"To my aunt's house," Magnus replied. "Isn't that why we are here?"

"She isn't picking us up?" Alec asked.

"It's two blocks," Magnus chuckled. Alec decided to say nothing rather than admit he wanted the two block ride. With his free hand, Magnus took hold of Alec's and they started walking.

"She did pick you up when you were a kid through, right?" Alec asked.

"I took a bus to school as a kid," Magnus explained. "She had to be at work hours before I went to school."

"That's crazy," Alec sighed, shaking his head.

"Not really," Magnus replied. "Actually your life is the crazy one."

"I disagree," Alec argued.

"I suppose it's our life now," Magnus said, and Alec couldn't disagree.

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