5th Epilogue: Will's View

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Five Years later

Since becoming a father, Will Herondale has learned many things. One of which was how to exhaust a child without running your own batteries down. His favourite way to do this was to arrange playdates so the little energizer bunnies could tire each other out.

"Everyone's napping, huh?" Jace asked.

"You betcha," Will replied. "Jem was up all night feeding Jimmy and Tessa is still recovering from Jimmy's arrival. And Jimmy, well he's sleeping cause he's two weeks old."

"How very newborn of him," Jace commented.

The two men were sitting on deck chairs overlooking Will's back yard. Felix and Lucie were running through the sprinkler together giggling. The four year old and eight year old got along rather well considering the age difference. Since Felix had started walking and running Will and Jace had made a point to arrange these playdates as often as possible, sometimes twice a week. It was a great way for Lucie to burn off energy after school.

"I can't imagine having two," Jace laughed. "One is definitely enough chaos for me."

"It helps when there are three parents around," Will explained. "Since Jimmy was born I've had a new found respect for single parents."

"Agreed," Jace said.

"I promised Tessa I'd ask," Will continued with a snigger. "How's the wedding planning going? Been engaged for, what, eight years now?"

"Five, thank you very much," Jace replied with a huff.

"Oh yes, five is much better," Will laughed sarcastically.

Before Jace could reply, they were interrupted by the approaching of tiny wet feet.

"Did you see me, dad!" Lucie exclaimed. "Did you see me?"

"Yes," Will lied, making a mental note to turn and look at his daughter instead of Jace. "You were wonderful, sweetheart."

"Felix can't do the cartwheel like I can," she explained, clearly very proud of herself.

"He's younger than you," Will reminded her. "He just wants to have fun in the water."

"I know," Lucie said with a deep sigh like it was such a burden for her to not compete with the toddler. Then at once she perked up and asked where the water balloons were. Will told her and she ran off to get them.

"You know they are just going to throw those at us, right?" Jace stated.

"It's thirty degrees out," Will reminded Jace. "Suck it up and get wet like a real man. Fatherhood requires water balloons to the face. It's just a fact."

Jace laughed. "Sitting here in the shade drinking cold soda it doesn't feel like thirty," he commented.

"Well then get up, take two steps to your left and stand in the sun. Stay there a few minutes and you'll be begging for a water balloon to the face, my friend."

Jace laughed and took another sip of his soda. Will realized he'd forgotten about his drink and picked it up as well. Jace was right. Quite refreshing and he better finish it before Lucie got back with those balloons or he'd never get the chance.

"On another note guess who finally met a decent guy?"


"Annika," Jace explained. "They've been going out for well over a month now and she can't seem to find anything wrong with him, which is a first. She seems to really like him so as long as it's mutual I think they have a real shot."

"And how do you feel about that?" Will asked.

"Happy for her," Jace replied easily. "Just because your three parent family is in one big relationship doesn't mean mine is." He chuckled. "If all works out Felix will get a step dad and maybe some half siblings. I think he'd like that."

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