Ch54: Clary's Fear

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Clary had tried not to think about the woman warning her against Jace, and all the other woman hitting on Jace since they'd arrived at his mother's house. Every time Jace arrived home from work, and took her in his arms like she was the single most important thing in his world, it became easier and easier to not think about it.

"I have never seen my son happier," Celine told Clary, grinning widely one morning as Jace kissed Clary before leaving for work.

"Yeah?" Clary replied.

"Yes," Celine confirmed. This more than anything, helped Clary to relax. After all, who knew Jace better than his own mother? And despite everything else, Jace hadn't flirted back with those girls at the bar, right?

Celine and Clary spent most of their days together. Celine was a school teacher, and thus had her summers free to spend the way she wished. Clary was glad to have company while Jace was at work, and Celine was a lot like Jace in many ways. They were both blonde, and there was something of her in the shape of Jace's eyes, but also Celine had the same open heart as Jace. The difference is that Celine hadn't spent so long trying to hide it. Clary didn't think anyone else could see Jace's good side the way she could, except Celine.

"He was the cutest baby in the whole world," Celine gushed one day when they were looking at Jace's baby albums. "Those little blonde curls, and bright eyes captured the heart of every person who laid eyes on them. I used to bring him to school with me, and he wouldn't even cry when he was passed around, he just loved the attention I think."

Clary turned the page of the album, and saw two blonde babies. Her stomach twisted as she understood who that was.

"They were about two in this. First photo I have of Sebastian and Jace together," Celine said, happily. Then she sighed, downcast at the thought. "I don't know what happened. I thought they'd be friends for life."

Clary almost voiced the fact it was all her fault, but she didn't say a word. Not only did she want to stay on good terms with Jace's mother, but Clary also wasn't sure she wanted to be asked why it was her fault. The photos were making Clary all too aware of how long Jace and Sebastian had known each other. Of course, she'd known it had been a while, but seeing photos of them in diapers together was quite something else. In one instance, she had ruined their friendship, and though she was glad of it, she was also feeling guilty.

Jace arrived home, and they enjoyed more of Celine's home cooking while Jace talked about the crazy customer's he'd dealt with that day. Celine didn't bring up Sebastian in front of Jace, and Clary wondered if he'd warned her not to. They ate dessert while watching tv, then Clary fell asleep in Jace's arms.

Though she missed home and her brother, Clary had to admit it wasn't a bad way to spend the holidays, or at least half of them. Her mother had insisted on at least seeing her daughter at little over the four months. Really why was post-secondary summer vacation so much longer than high school?

One afternoon, Clary held knitting needles carefully in her hands as she watched Celine's instruction. She was an excellent teacher, though that was to be expected as she was an actual teacher. Before long, Clary had a half a scarf on the other end of her knitting needle, however her tension of the yarn wasn't as good as Celine.

"You just need practice," Celine smiled. "That's a great start!"

"Thanks," Clary replied.

"Clary?" Jace's voice called through the house.

"Jace?" Clary called back, confused. He wasn't due to return home for hours. Putting down her needle Clary got up and went to the door. Celine remained seating on her comfortable couch with her knitting, likely assuming the couple wanted alone time.

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