Chapters 1-3

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Chapter One: Jace's Roommate

The room was plain and square. The twin beds in either corner were unwelcoming with their bare mattresses. There was a window, but the grey carpet rather detracted from any welcome the sunlight created.

With a groan he threw his duffel bag onto the lower bunk and hoped with all his might the girls were at least as hot in university as they had been in high school. Or if they weren't as hot he hoped they would at least be easier.

He started unpacking. His mother had always wanted him to fold his clothes but had never actually succeeded in making him do it. He found sheets for the bed in one of the empty drawers, and deciding he would take the left bed, started laying the fitted sheet over the bare mattress. His mother had also tried to teach him the importance of something called a hospital bed corner, but he firmly believed as long as the sheets were on the bed it didn't matter what kind of corner it had.

Despite her constant nagging he was going to miss his mother, especially her cooking. He suspected university food would not be as good as homemade.

He heard the door creak and turned to see a guy standing awkwardly in the doorway, apparently not sure if the open door meant he was supposed to knock or not. The guy had black hair and was of a similar age and height to him, though slightly taller.

"You must be my roommate," he said going over to greet the man. "I'm Jace Herondale."

"Alec Lightwood," the man said.

"Lightwood," Jace said thoughtfully. "Did we go to the same high school? Cause that sounds familiar." Now that he thought about it Alec looked familiar too.

"Yeah we did," Alec said. "You hit on my sister a lot."

"Long legs and dark silky hair!" Jace exclaimed, remembering the way he had thought of Alec's sister back in high school. Jace always recalled women like this, by description rather than by name.

"Izzy," Alec corrected him

"I like my name better," Jace said. "More descriptive." But Alec didn't seem happy about this so Jace added. "Either way she never gave me the time of day."

"That's because she isn't stupid," Alec yelled. "Arg! I can't believe I am stuck with you are a roommate!"

"Now wait a minute!" Jace said. "I am not all bad. I mean just look at me." He grinned and gestured to himself.

Alec did not look impressed. He walked over to the unclaimed bed and threw his bag on it. Alec then started to unpack keeping his back to Jace.

"So," Jace said after a moment of awkward silence. "I never really got to know you in high school." Alec didn't say anything. "I figure we can just start now." Alec was focused on unpacking and didn't turn around. "I am here on a wrestling scholarship, but your family is loaded right?" Still no acknowledgement from his audience. "You know I heard rumors back in high school about you." Alec stiffened. "They say you bat for the other team." Alec spun around and glared at him as if expecting to be attacked.

"So what if I do?" Alec asked.

"Finally a reaction!" Jace said. Alec turned back around but Jace could see he was fuming. "Geez relax would you. This is probably a good thing. Most straight guys I know like to try and steal my dates or they get jealous of my many dates. It's annoying." Jace didn't count his ultimate wingman in this. Sebastian never stole his dates.

Alec snorted.

"I mean it!" Jace said. "I don't care if you're gay. I do care that you hate me on sight though. I mean we are going to be forced to live together. You can't hate me forever."

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