Izzy's Intoxication

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Izzy was sitting in her favourite spot at the bar scoping out the room. It was a fairly average day all things considered, except for one rather important difference. Why did she want to hit on the nerd in the corner with the classes? Why wasn't she interested in the sexy black haired guy in the suit, or the blonde with the beach body? Why did she feel more like doing shots by herself than getting laid tonight? Downing her shot in one go, Izzy got up from the bar and almost at once heard her phone ringing.

"Hey Alec," she answered after reading the caller ID.

"Izzy!" Alec replied, his voice was so exatic it almost broke her ear drums.

"Inside voice," Izzy grumbled. "Are you trying to make me deaf?"

"I asked Magnus to marry me, Iz," Alec said excitedly. "And he said yes."

"That's great," Izzy said, choking back the strange feeling in her chest.

"Thanks," he said. She could tell he was grinning, even over the phone. "I want to have a party, and Magnus has agreed which is crazy. I was thinking Saturday after exams. Do you want to help?"

"Course," Izzy said, putting on a smile.

"Thanks Iz," Alec replied, giddy as all hell. "So can we meet up tomorrow then?"

"Sure," Izzy agreed.

"I'll text you. Gotta go," Alec continued. "Thanks again." And he hung up. Instead of going home, Izzy decided to have another drink.

She kept telling herself she was happy for her brother. All she'd ever wanted was for Alec to be happy, so why was his happiness making her so miserable? It was her job to be happy for him, her job to be supportive, and smile with him. Izzy wasn't supposed to be envious; she wasn't supposed to want to run and hide.

Izzy did two more shots, one after the other. The glasses hit the bar with a dull thud that was somehow satisfying. She lifted the glass again and made the same thud noise, but it wasn't the same so she ordered another shot.

"How are you getting home tonight?" the bartender asked her.

"Walking," Izzy replied as she downed her shot, and heard that satisfying thud as she placed it firmly back on the bar.

"Alright," the bartender replied. "If you'd said driving, it would be about now that I'd take away your keys."

"Fair enough," Izzy replied. She decided to slow down a little, and ordered wine next. The glass was more fragile and not nearly so satisfying, but it make a nice gentle click when she tapped it with her nail.

"Now what is a beautiful girl like you doing drinking alone in a place like this?"

Izzy turned to see the beach body blonde she'd scooped earlier sitting beside her. She usually liked a guy in a suit, but tonight she was drunk enough that she didn't care.

"Brother's engaged," Izzy explained.

"Even more reason not to drink alone," the man replied. Izzy looked him up and down. Rationally, she knew this was what she usually did. In fact her, for lack of a better word, vulnerable state was acting like a honey trap, saving her the bother of hunting down the bees. Izzy was pretty sure the bartender was gay, but every other guy in this bar had checked her out at least once since she'd sat down. If Izzy had known about this trick before, she would have had a way easier time, but Izzy had never been like this before. She'd never been pathetic, and she hated it.

"See, usually I'd jump your bones about now," Izzy told him. She got off the stool and teasingly hiked her leg up onto him as she spoke. "Drag you off and-" She trailed her fingers down his bare arms. The guy was wearing a muscle shirt, which was in part how she'd been sure about his excellent abs. Izzy moved forward to whisper against the skin of his neck. "Have my way with you."

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