Ch207: Clary's Proposal

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Clary didn't think she'd ever get tired of looking at his face. Even if right now his gorgeous golden eyes were closed she could still imagine them there under his eyelids. She didn't have to imagine the line of his jaw and the way his mouth rested slightly open in sleep. She could even see a little drool threatening to escape his lips. The imperfection made her smile. He was so beautiful, so perfect and so very hers once again. Clary couldn't remember the last time she'd been this happy.

Just laying here with her head propped up on her elbow staring at the love of her life as he dozed the morning away was her idea of bliss.

"I can feel your eyes like little lazer beams," Jace said with a smile. His eyelids were still closed even as he spoke.

"Shh you are supposed to be sleeping," Clary reminded him.

"The sun is up," Jace objected. "And it's very unfair that you can see me but I can't see you."

Clary chuckled. "Then open your eyes silly."

"Too bright," Jace complained.

Still smiling, Clary leaned down to kiss him sweetly on the forehead. Since her and Jace had gotten back together, smiling had become her near constant companion. She wondered sometimes how she'd gone so long without him.

"What are you thinking about?" Jace asked curiously.

"Just that you are most glorious in the morning," Clary replied.

Jace grunted in a very disagreeing kinda way. "My mouth tastes funny and I'm sure I need a comb bad."

"These things are of no importance," Clary remarked. "You are as stunning as the first time I saw you every time I see you."

"How do you walk in a straight line?" Jace laughed.

"With practice," Clary chuckled.

Reaching forward she stroked the side of his face softly. This was it. She knew it so much more now than ever before. Jace was her first and he would be her last love. He was all she ever wanted, but more than that she never ever wanted to lose him again. She was pretty sure it would break her. It was strange but somehow you can miss someone more than you can love them. The missing them rather proved the love more than anything else. Never wanting to lose someone logically meant being with them for the rest of your life and being with someone for the rest of your life meant...

"You went quiet again," Jace grumbled, cutting off her train of thought. "What are you thinking about now?"

"Just about how I never want to lose you again," Clary replied honestly.

"I know that feeling," Jace agreed, finally opening his eyes to gaze at her. He blinked several times as his eyes adjusted to the light.

Those warm pools of gold locked eyes with hers and Clary momentarily forgot to breathe. How could her stomach flutter the same now as it had the first time he'd looked at her with love in those eyes?

"I was also thinking about what that means," Clary continued with a little less confidence. "Like in the long term."

"I imagine it means not breaking up," Jace said with a light chuckle. He was sitting up in the bed now, and Clary sat up as well. The conversation had somehow turned serious and laying propped up on her elbow felt wrong.

"Yeah but also," Clary said. She was feeling awkward all of a sudden even though she knew she shouldn't be. This was Jace. She could talk to him about anything, right? There was no need to feel awkward around Jace.

"Also what, Clary?"

"Well I was just thinking about if we will, you know, ever get, ever decide to get... married," Clary admitted. "Simon and Izzy just got married and it feels like Magnus and Alec have been married for ages. Even Aline and Helen got married and I just couldn't help but wonder if that was something that might be in our future."

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