Izzy's Secret

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Izzy wasn't sure why she'd kissed Simon that day. It was true she'd been very surprised to see him when she'd entered her dorm room and seen him sitting there. Izzy had just walked right over to him and kissed him without really thinking about it. Then thanks to Maia's reaction, Izzy hadn't been able to resist teasing them both. Her date that night had actually turned out to be totally lame. Izzy had thought about going to see Simon when she'd bailed early on her lame date, but it seems a little tacky after teasing Simon so mercilessly before. Instead, Izzy went home. Sure, the guy had been hot, and yes he'd been game, but he was also a total jerk which ruined it for her. Getting set up by a friend of a friend just wasn't her thing. Izzy would stick to bars from now on. Well, bars and Simon.

She was feeling less sure about her disappointing classes. Just because she didn't need to declare a major for another year, didn't mean she couldn't get a head start. Izzy was so sick of intro courses, and there was something wonderful about the idea of choosing a major before her older brother, so Izzy was determined to try. Since it was March already, Izzy didn't have long to try and beat Alec to the punch, but she had a feeling that her best ally in this one sided race was Alec himself.

"You do know what 'I don't know' means, right?" Alec replied to Izzy's question about what he could major in.

"You must have at least some idea," Izzy argued.

"Not a clue," Alec replied. "At this point, I am thinking I will just have to be an undeclared second year student for all eternity."

Even Izzy, as competitive as she was, knew the tortoise and the hair had it wrong in this case. Even if she tired herself out running ahead, this indecisive tortoise wasn't about to beat her to the finish line. Now that Izzy had actually taken her intro to Marketing class, she'd decided that wasn't the right path for her. But a list of major's she didn't want did nothing but limit her options. She needed to make a decision.

So far Izzy had ruled out Marketing, Nursing, English, Mathematics, Accounting, Biology and History, but that still left her with far too many options to choose from. She understood why so many first years didn't declare. This was going to be a little more complicated than she'd expected.

"Why did you pick history?" Izzy asked Magnus the next time she hung out with her brother at his boyfriend's place, since Alec was so rarely home.

"It fascinates me," Magnus replied. "I have always wondered what it would be like to live through time, live apart from time. To be able to watch history unfold, but alas, I am only human, and the closes I can get to witnessing history is studying it."

"So you found your passion and decided to go with that?" Izzy concluded.

"Yes," Magnus replied. He was giving her a funny look, like he wasn't quite sure what to make of her question.

"I am trying to beat Alec to picking a major okay," Izzy told him, quietly. "Just don't tell Alec, or he will choose one just to spite me."

"Are we keeping secrets from Alexander now?" Magnus asked smiling.

"Not big ones," Izzy specified. Again Magnus was smiling at her in the strangest way. Izzy wasn't really sure what to make of it. Thankfully Alec returned from the bathroom moments later and broke the strange atmosphere. Her brother settled himself down on the couch, and Magnus put his arm around Alec automatically.

"What did I miss?" Alec asked, and though he had probably been referring to the movie playing, Magnus replied in a different way.

"Your sister seems to have giving up hating me," Magnus commented as Alec settled against his chest.

"Has she now?" Alec asked grinning.

"I never hated you," Izzy explained. "I was just looking out for my brother."

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