Ch66: Alec's Victory

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"You will never guess who I ran into on my way over here," Magnus began. Alec sat up. The change in his boyfriend's voice made him look up.

"Who?" Alec asked.

"Camille," Magnus replied. "I found her crying alone in the corner. Tessa is right, she really does love Ralf."

"I see," Alec replied. He wasn't sure how he felt about this yet. He knew Magnus loved him, and he knew there was nothing between Magnus and Camille anymore, but sometimes Alec still wanted to hit that woman over the head with something heavy for what she'd done to Magnus. Had it really been a year ago? Yes, because it had been November last year that Alec had finally found the courage to tell the love of his life that they couldn't be just friends, and then bonded with Jace over the resulting heartache. A year. It was a crazy thought. Somehow it felt like time was passing, faster now than before. This time last year, Alec had literally been having dreams about Magnus in his arms, then he'd woken up miserable and alone in his dorm room. Christmas would mark their one year anniversary, or rather January would, but very early January. To Alec it felt like he'd known Magnus much longer than that, while at the same time, Alec could remember their first kiss like it had been yesterday.

Alec wanted to bring Magnus home with him for the holidays so badly, that some part of him just wanted to pick Magnus up and carry him there, but Alec knew he couldn't do that. Not only because it wasn't physically possible, but also because it wasn't respectful or kind. Technically it was kidnapping and besides, if Magnus spent the whole holiday annoyed to be there, it wasn't like they'd have a good time anyway.

Alec was having a similar problem when he tried to think of things they could do for their anniversary. It was their one year and Alec wanted to plan something big for it, but he wasn't sure how far he should go planning it. If he planned something big, Magnus would want to pay for half of it? Because that was the last thing Alec wanted. If he went too small, it felt like he was making light of it, which was wrong. His last year with Magnus in no way felt insignificant, and Alec wanted to really celebrate it.

"Alexander say something," Magnus whispered, and Alec realize just how long he'd been silent.

"Sorry," Alec said, pulling his thoughts back to the here and now. "I was just thinking."

"About Camille?" Magnus asked, but Alec shook his head.

"About Christmas," Alec counted. It was time to just ask, to finally talk about what was hard to bring up. "What is it exactly that you don't like about visiting my family for Christmas?" Magnus didn't speak so Alec plunged on. "I know I should be patient and everything, but I've already told you my parents want to meet you. Izzy is just Izzy, and trust me she doesn't hate you or anything. She has always been a bit of a drama queen. And even if you don't want to buy plane tickets, I am calling them an anniversary gift so you can't be upset about that. What else is holding you back? Please tell me so I can solve that too."

"Think you can solve anything huh?" Magnus replied smiling.

"For you yes," Alec replied. There was silence for a few minutes, but Alec sensed that he shouldn't break it. Instead Alec waited, watching his boyfriend's face and trying to be patient.

"I haven't seen my aunt in so long," Magnus finally spoke.

"Then bring her too!" Alec exclaimed with a smile on his face. "I'll tell mom to have another guest room setup. What else you got?"

"It's really that easy?" Magnus asked. He looked so surprised, it made Alec smile.

"Well, that depends," Alec grinned at him. "Do you have two dozen relatives you'd like to invite, or just the one?"

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