Izzy's History

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Izzy had never before cared less about school, which was saying something since she hadn't been a very good student to begin with. These days, all Izzy could think about was when she'd next see Simon again. It was making studying for her exams all the more challenging. The feelings Simon invoked in her felt strange, and Izzy was quite overwhelmed by them at times. The best way she could describe it was riding a high. That feeling you get when you are about to bungee jump for the first time, or galloping down a race track on the back of your favourite horse, the other riders eating your dust.

Even attending his physio appointments didn't bother her. When Izzy looked at Simon, she couldn't see him as weak or less just because he needed help getting his elbow to work right again. All she saw when she looked at Simon was the kind and caring man she called her own. Her Simon. Sometimes it still surprised her how much she liked the possessive nature of the word.

Today's appointment in particular Izzy was very excited about, because it had now been six weeks since Simon's accident; the doctors had said it would be 6-8 weeks before Simon could be cleared for more physical activity, and Izzy had been dying to have some physical activity with that man. Izzy had more than once offered to let him lie there and have her do all the work, but Simon had always said it was best to do what the doctors said. The problem was that Izzy had been itching to rip Simon's clothes off since their heart to heart at the hospital. Well, actually to be perfectly honest, she'd been wanting to do that since he'd called off their friends with benefits deal last March, though that could have been a 'want what you can't have' kinda situation.

Izzy arrived home a little early after class expecting to find her roommate studying like a good little student, and was surprised when she walked in and saw Maia on the couch, the tv on.

"Hey," Izzy said with a wave. There was a startled noise and a frantic scuffling before Maia called 'hey' back. Curious, Izzy walked over. Maia's eyes were red, her face blotchy. If the women had worn mascara, Izzy was sure it would be running down her face. Izzy noticed a bit of white poking out from under the couch, and concluded that Maia had tried to hide her tissues.

"If you need to cry, cry," Izzy said, kindly. "Don't be ashamed."

"I'm not," Maia mumbled.

"Then why hide the evidence?" Izzy asked. Maia said something under her breath that was clearly not meant to be heard.

"Sometimes life sucks, and you just gotta let it out," Izzy said brightly.

"Don't sound so happy," Maia whined.

"Can't do that," Izzy replied. "Might get to have sex with my boyfriend tonight."

"Woohoo," Maia said in monotone with so little enthusiasm it was borderline friendship abuse.

"Okay what's wrong?" Izzy said. "This isn't just period hormones is it? Because I remember before I got my IUD, I had been known to cry over things such as being out of toilet paper."

"I'm not on my period," Maia sighed. "I'm just a stupid woman who wants what she can't have after she could have had it."

"You lost me," Izzy said.

"Do you know the phrase, you don't know what you've got till it's gone?"

"Yeah," Izzy said slowly. "Who doesn't know that phrase?"

"Well that phrase is my life right now," Maia explained.

Unsure of how to help, and knowing that if she waited any longer she'd be late, Izzy made a quick decision. Leaning forward, Izzy wrapped both her arms around Maia and squeezed.

"Hugs fix everything," Izzy explained.

"Who are you, and what have you done with my roommate?" Maia asked a little more seriously than Izzy thought the situation called for.

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