Ch53: Alec's Waiting

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Magnus was at work which was the perpetual state of Alec's universe these days. Three weeks in, and Alec didn't regret his decision to stay here for the summer, though he was starting to wonder if he would come to before the four months were up.

Magnus had two jobs. He worked part time at the museum giving tours. Alec had been to three of them now, and knew far more about the history exhibits at his local museum than he'd ever thought he would. Magnus was also working manual labour, moving boxes from here to there.

It was so frustrating for Alec to think how little Magnus was being paid for his time. When you had a trust fund that amounted to seven figures, and a boyfriend you loved more than anything in the world working endlessly for minimum wage, it starts to border on ridiculous, at least in Alec's opinion.

Alec spent this time buying groceries, he then wouldn't let Magnus reimburse him for, cooking and waiting for his boyfriend to get off work. He was always so happy to see Magnus when he got home, and on the days Magnus worked at the museum he had the energy to really spend quality time together, but on the days Magnus worked his manual labour job, he basically came home and passed out. Alec would curl up beside Magnus in bed, lying awake for hours. The cats usually come to sleep beside them in the hopes that Alec would pet them before he fell asleep. When he awoke, the bed was usually empty as Magnus was already at work again.

Alec wanted to just hand Magnus some money and get his boyfriend back, but he knew this would lead to something bad. He knew just offering would offend Magnus, and could even lead to a major fight. Alec didn't want to risk it. He loved Magnus enough to put up with the boredom. A part of him wanted to call Izzy or his parents and complain about how much it sucked waiting around all day for Magnus to get home, but he didn't dare. Alec had learned his lesson. Still it got lonely. Jace was back home with Clary. Tessa was almost never home, and she wasn't much company when she was. So Alec fell back on the last friend he had left, who also happened to be his cousin.

"Over here!" Alec's voice called across the cafe. He'd just spotted Aline walking in, and wanted to make sure she saw him sitting in the corner of the cafe.

"Thanks," Aline said smiling. She accepted the drink he'd ordered for her, taking a sip.

"Sorry I've been such a horrible friend lately," Alec started. "I feel like I haven't seen you all year."

"Nah it's okay," Aline replied with a smile. "You know what they say about falling in love right?" Alec shook his head. "That it costs at least one friend."

"Nope never heard that one," Alec replied. "And I don't think I like it. It's so depressing." Aline laughed, taking another drink from her latte. Alec, remembering his, following suit.

"Kinda true though," Aline squirmed. "I mean since I met Helen, I haven't really been keeping up with you either."

"Let's promise never to forget to talk again," Alec declared.

"Deal," Aline laughed.

"Speaking of, how are things with Helen?" Alec asked.

"Amazing!" Aline squealed. "She's like some kind of angelic fairy queen goddess." Alec chuckled.

"Is that all?" he asked, still grinning.

"She's sexy as hell, hilarious," Aline gushed. "And for some insane reason, interested in me!"

"Why wouldn't she be," Alec smiled. "You're awesome." It was so wonderful to see his cousin happily in love. He remembered only too well how worried Aline had been to come out to her parents all those years ago, and how lonely she'd been after.

"Helen has this huge family," Aline continued. "Her dad had her and her brother from his first wife, then remarried and had a whole bunch more kids. Some of them are so young. She invited me to go visit them later in the summer once we find a place- oh wait I haven't old you yet! Helen and I are going to get an apartment together. I'm so excited to live with her, oh and not living in dorms. Excited for that too."

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