Ch160: Alec's Armageddon

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Alec woke up with the strangest feeling. Something big was going down - or had just happened - and he sensed the shockwaves were headed his way.

"I'm sure you're exaggerating," Magnus sighed when Alec shared his worries. "You're making it sound like a tsunami is coming or something."

"It's a metaphor," Alec explained. "I don't mean like an actual natural disaster."

"Alright, but if a giant wall of water does hit the apartment I do expect a text," Magnus chuckled.

"Ha ha," Alec replied sarcastically.

Magnus grinned, that big beautiful smile that Alec loved so much. "See you when I'm home from work, love" Magnus said leaning forward to kiss his husband goodbye before moving towards the door.

"Don't work too hard," Alec called back. "Not that you ever listen." Magnus laughed and the door closed behind him.

Now what to do? Alec always did prefer his days off and, well who didn't? But days off with Magnus were always better. Alec didn't really have anything he needed to do today, except, of course, prepare for Armageddon.

Then again, that wasn't really true. He should start looking for a better job now that he'd graduated with his Bachelor's in Business. The grocery store was great and all, but it felt very much like a student job. Still, it wasn't like he had any great plans for his Bachelor's. After all, Alec hadn't even picked his major. Maybe real life decisions could wait.

Alec decided this was a problem for later, as he reached for his console remote and started the campaign he'd been working on yesterday after work.

An hour or so later, his units were making headway against the enemy when the door opened. Alec knew Paige had plans today and his handsome husband wouldn't be home till after five so he paused his game and turned to check.

"Hey," Jace said with so little feeling that Alec forgot about his game entirely.

"What happened?" Alec asked quickly, getting up to move closer.

Without speaking a word, Jace began to cry silently before wrapping his arms around his best friends shoulders. Alec hugged Jace back, at a loss for words.

He wasn't sure how long they stood like that. Jace crying, Alec attempting to comfort him, while the paused video game music played on repeat behind them.

"Who died?" Alec finally asked, unable to think of anything else it could be.

"Clary and I broke up," Jace finally said, almost choking on his words. "Can I sleep here tonight?"

"Of course," Alec said at once. "My couch is your couch. Sorry, Paige is already in the guest room."

"That's fine," Jace sniffed. "Couch is perfect."

Alec lead them over and they sat on the forenamed perfect couch. Jace still wasn't speaking. Alec took the opportunity to save and exit his game so they didn't have to listen to the same menu music anymore.

"That's better," Jace said.

"I should have at least muted it earlier, sorry," Alec added.

"It's fine," Jace contininued.

Alec wasn't sure what to do. Should he ask for details, or maybe cookies were a good idea? Unable to really think about what to do that would help, Alec just sat there. After a while Chairmen Meow - as Catsby wasn't up to much these days - came up to sit on Jace's lap and he started petting the cat absently.

The only sound was Chairmen's purring as the time ticked by. Alec almost spoke a couple times, then thought better of it. Maybe this is what Jace needed, silent companionship and a cat.

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