Ch147: Jordan's Musketeers

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It had been somewhat of a surprise when Jordan entered his living room one morning to find some guy on his couch. Jace returned just in time for classes to start, with what Jordan could only assume was a hitchhiker. It wasn't until Jace emerged from his room looking sleepy and travel bare that Jordan learn who exactly this hitchhiker was. It was obvious by Jace's expression that he was very happy to have Clary's brother around, and putting two and two together, Jordan surmised that Jon would be likely to stay with them for the foreseeable future. Though Jordan had not exactly been enthusiastic about a surprise new random unemployed roommate at the start, suffice to say he did warmed up to Jon eventually. In fact, the guy turned out to be pretty laid back, and actually quite easy to live with. Jordan couldn't help but feel like they were the three musketeers, as the apartment slowly turned into quite the stereotypical bachelor pad.

After over a month of Jon sleeping on the couch with just that old divider they'd used for the living room when Simon had lived here, Jordan and Jace decided to take things into their own hands. Repositioning the divider, and moving things around, quite nearly created the privacy of a separate room. The divider however, wasn't quite enough to create third bedroom. For that one required a bed.

"Lift!" Jace ordered.

"I am lifting," Jordan complained, his hands gripping the cold metal bar more tightly in frustration.

"He's gonna be home soon," Jace whined.

"Don't you think I know that," Jordan argued back.

"Let's turn it," Jace suggested. "Forty-five degree angle." Jorden nodded, and together they managed to get the bed frame through the door.

"For such a light thing, it sure is an inconvenient shape," Jordan observed. Now through the door, it was a simple matter to place the frame behind the divider.

As they went back for the rest of the bed, Jordan found himself wishing very hard that they'd just paid someone else to do this for them. Despite the extra weight of both the boxspring and mattress, with a little teamwork they managed to get both through the door and on the frame. Though by this point, Jordan was annoyed enough to voice his delivery wishes out loud.

"Who needs delivery!" Jace scoffed. "See, told you we could do it."

"Yes, but my hand hurts," Jordan complained.

"Suck it up," Jace chuckled, clapping Jordan on the back. "In my book, a sore hand is worth saving over $100 on delivery."

Jordan just sighed and went to get sheets. When he returned he handed them to Jace, who acted as if he were being given and alien concept.

"What do you want me to do with those?" Jace asked.

"Sheets go on beds," Jordan explained. "Or did your mother not teach you that."

"Mom tried to teach me how to do a hospital bed corner," Jace explained, before throwing Jon's sheets randomly onto the bed in some pathetically lame attempt to 'make' the bed. "She failed."

"Jace," Jordan said very seriously. "When was the last time you changed your sheets?"

"A while ago," Jace replied, looking away.

"And I thought I was the messy one around here," Jordan said with a sigh and shake of the head.

"You most definitely are," Jace stated. "Just because sleeping alone makes me lazy, doesn't mean you lose your title."

"Isn't exactly a title I'd like to keep," Jordan replied, laughing slightly.

"Tough," Jace laughed. Before Jordan could think of something to say in return, they were interrupted by the front door opening and both turned to see Jon walk in.

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