Jace's Training

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Mason was moving backwards and forwards, holding a defensive stance, and occasionally falling to the ground intentionally as if avoiding an attack. It was the practice drill Jace had just assigned him, and the guy wasn't half bad so long as he wasn't interacting with anyone, but as soon as Mason started practicing the contact part of this contact sport, he froze up. There was no getting around the fact that wrestling is a contact sport, and Mason wasn't getting any better. A part of Jace wanted to suggest Mason join the soccer team or something. Though Jace supposed that could just be the part of him that didn't want to be here.

"Okay let's do this again," Jace said, trying to stop himself from sighing with frustration. Mason looked nervous but moved closer. "Now your hand goes here," Jace pointed to the side of his neck. "And you have to flip me over. Understand?" Mason nodded but without much conviction. More gently than he should have, Mason's hand made contact with Jace's neck.

"You aren't going to knock me down with that attitude," Jace said. "Come on." Mason's grip improved, but only slightly. "Alright better, now move your other hand around my shoulder, hold me down and knock me over." But Mason's movements were still too slow. If this was a real match, Jace would have had Mason pinned a long ass time ago.

Finally letting out a sigh of frustration, Jace moved away. He took a deep breath before speaking. "Okay, let's try this another way," he said. Then after a moment of silent thought, Jace gave Mason new instructions. "Pretend there is a person in front of you, and explain to me how you execute the move without actually doing it."

"My hand goes up under your arm and around the back of your head," Mason said. "Then I tuck your head into your shoulders, and flip you."

"See that's perfect," Jace said. "So do that."

"Easier said than done," Mason mumbled.

"I just don't understand why though," Jace replied. "I've seen you pull this off in group practice before."

"Yeah," Mason mumbled.

"So is it just me you don't like touching?" Jace asked, trying and failing to contain his annoyance. "Because if so, I could get one of the other guys on the team to train you, no problem."

"That isn't what I meant," Mason mumbled. "Nevermind."

"Hey, I'm sorry okay," Jace said, gesturing apologetically. "I just don't understand, and it doesn't help that I kinda resent the fact that I am stuck here every Wednesday night instead of hanging out with my girlfriend, though that isn't your fault because the silly woman went and signed up for defense classes on Wednesdays anyway, so even if I wasn't here, I wouldn't be with her."

"Yeah," Mason said in a small voice. He was looking down at the floor now. Jace never got the impression that Mason enjoyed their training sessions, but this was different. Mason seemed to deflated as if Jace's words had cost him something.

"What's wrong?" Jace asked.

"It's nothing," Mason replied, but it was very obviously not nothing.

"Listen," Jace began. "We are both stuck here till seven, so either we can train - which I don't think you are too keen on - or you can tell me what's up?"

Still Mason didn't say anything, and Jace reached his breaking point. "Why did you join the team anyway?" Jace asked too loudly, frustrated at the whole situation. He'd resisted asking this question every Wednesday night for months now, and he was done. "I mean you clearly don't enjoy it and I'm sorry, but I gotta be honest, you aren't that great at it either."

"It's okay," Mason mumbled. "I know I suck."

"Then quit," Jace said.

"I-" Mason began.

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