Alec's Soulmate

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"Did you just say 'rest of my life,'" Alec asked, not quite believing what he'd heard with his own ears. Magnus had said 'entire life' right? Alec hadn't imagined that?

"Don't change the topic," Magnus snapped, but Alec took no notice. He could sense the stillness in his body from his shock, yet somehow Alec didn't want to move. In this moment, his world, was only his heart pounding in his chest, his breathing shallow at Magnus's words. It wasn't like Alec didn't think he and Magnus were serious, but maybe thanks to how they'd started out, Alec had always felt like he was thinking a little more long term than his boyfriend.

"Do you really think of us that way?" Alec whispered, unable not to ask.

His voice dripping with sarcasm, Magnus replied, "No, of course not, because I want more exes, and another broken heart."

"Magnus!" Alec snapped. He was somehow both touched and totally frustrated by his boyfriend's response. How could he be sarcastic at a time like this?

"You thought what, that I'd get bored of you and move on?" Magnus asked his voice no longer annoyed, but soft and gentle. "Why is this a surprise, Alexander?"

"I-," Alec began, startled by Magnus's sudden shift in mood. "I guess I thought-" What had he been thinking? At this moment, Alec wasn't sure. Smiling, Magnus moved closer. He took Alec's hands in his, and locked their gaze.

"I had given up on love when you pulled at my heart, remember," Magnus whispered. "Whether we are together or not, you will be the last person I love, Alexander."

"Don't say that," Alec replied with a shake of his head. He pulling Magnus in by their joined hands, closing the space between them. "Don't talk like we aren't going to make it." Magnus smiled, then leaned forward and kissed Alec gently.

"Now, can we get back on topic?" Magnus asked, when they broke apart, but Alec was feeling too warm and fuzzy, too overwhelmed with love to get back into their fight.

"You should take the job you want, and I'll help with your living costs," Alec stated, firmly. "Heck, maybe I should move in."

"You really do want people to take advantage of you, don't you?" Magnus grumbled, clearly annoying. He pulled away a little.

"Not people," Alec smiled back. "Just you." It was strange to be fighting with someone, and yet be somehow more certain of their love than before. Though Alec wasn't really fighting anymore, even if Magnus still was. Alec was feeling a little too happy to be upset at the moment. An entire life with Magnus Bane. Just the thought made him smile.

"We are fighting, Alexander," Magnus snapped. "This is no time to be smiling like that."

"I love you," Alec told him. "What's mine has been yours since the moment I realized I couldn't live without you. That is just who I am. The simple truth."

"We are not married Alexander, and life is not that simple."

"Would it be that simple if we were married?" Alec asked, pensively. He knew the phrase 'what's mine is yours' was a married one, but Alec hadn't quite realized the implications when he'd said them.

"That is neither here nor there," Magnus replied.

"What if it was," Alec continued. "Here I mean." He'd thought of this before. He'd thought and rethought it, but he'd always found some reason not to say it. Possibly he'd been too insecure to bring it up then, but Alec had found new courage in the last few moments.

"You aren't making any sense, Alexander," Magnus sighed.

"Would it make a difference if we were married?" Alec said, with more certainty.

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