Ch55: Izzy's Roommate

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The room was plain and square, the twin beds in either corner, unwelcoming. There was a window, but the grey carpet rather detracted from any welcome the sunlight created.

With a grin she threw she bedazzled bag onto one of the beds, and reminded herself she hadn't come for the decorations. University meant parties, no parents, and freedom so long as she kept her grades up.

Humming to herself as she worked, Izzy started unpacking. No parents around to tell her she was making the bed wrong this time! Though Izzy was going to miss her in house chef, as well as teasing her little brother Max, and sweet talking her way into anything she wanted from her father with just a smile. But Izzy was sure the University lifestyle would be worth it.

She heard the door creak, and turned to see a girl walk in. She had light brown skin, curling hair, and definitely didn't know what makeup or fashion were. She was pretty though despite not really knowing how to show herself at her best.

"You must be my roommate," the girl said moving forward to greet Izzy. "I'm Maia."

"Isabelle," Izzy said. "But you can call me Izzy."

"Izzy then," Maia smiled, and Izzy wondered if it was possible to be compatible with a roommate who didn't use mascara. "It's my second year, but I think you're a freshman right?"

"Yep," Izzy replied. "As a rookie, I need to ask. Are the guys hot in University?"

Maia laughed. "Sorry you are asking the wrong girl. The last date I had ended in a friend-kiss."

"Lame," Izzy laughed. "When I was up here over spring break, I totally made out with a guy in a broken elevator."

"Okay that's hot," Maia grinned at her, and Izzy decided that maybe, Maia wasn't a total write off, despite the cheap jeans and blemished face.

"I know right," Izzy giggled. She was rather fond of that story. It just sounded so spontaneous and fun. Izzy was sure she wouldn't get tired of telling it for a long time.

"Are you going to the Orientation party in the Quad?" Maia asked.

"Nah," Izzy said. "It sounds lame. I know better ways of meeting people."

"Like what?" Maia asked.

"Like dancing," Izzy grinned. "And drinks."

"I haven't been to a club in ages!" Maia exclaimed, and just like that, Izzy knew this was a woman she could become friends with. Sure, Maia needed some pointers, but from the enthusiasm in her voice, Izzy suspected Maia had been looking for a new club-going friend, even if she didn't know it.

"Let's go then," Izzy suggested.

"Oh but I have nothing to wear," Maia whined.

"I can fix that," Izzy smirked as she quickly pulled her favourite club dress from her bag, and stripped down to her underwear to put it on. It was made of a slinky skin tight fabric that hugged to her skin. Izzy just loved the feel of tight fitting clothing. She couldn't stand wearing bagging t-shirts. The dress was a perfect black with a deep V-neck, and laced together down the side.

"You aren't shy are you?" Maia laughed. Izzy didn't reply but simply finished straightening her dress. Then she turned to Maia.

"Your turn," she said. "Take me to your wardrobe." Maia chuckled, but got her suitcase from by the door, and opened it on her bed to show Izzy what she had to work with. Yep, Izzy thought as she looked through Maia's bag, this girl definitely needed a fashion-godmother, but Isabelle Lightwood was up for the job.

"No," Izzy said as she put an item of clothing in the reject pile. "Definitely no. Yikes! Oh wait, here's something." She held up a almost acceptable club top. "And I guess we can stick with your jeans but girl, tomorrow we are going shopping." Maia laughed, but took the shirt and put it on before they left.

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