Ch61: Alec's Pretend

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After his conversation with Clary, Alec was concerned that his friend was too dense to function, but he didn't get a chance to talk to Jace for the rest of the day. Clary wanted her place to herself that night, so for a change Magnus came over to Alec's apartment. It was a simple quiet night in, but Alec loved it all the same because he spent the evening in his boyfriend's arms.

Alec had recently come to feel like it was rather silly that Clary was living with Magnus while Jace lived with him. They so often switched apartments, he was starting to wonder if they shouldn't have started the year off living as couples instead. Though Alec knew that if he suggested it, he and Magnus would have to talk about money again, and he didn't want to do that. The summer was over, and in theory, they could go a whole year without having that argument again. So instead, Alec stayed over at Magnus's as often as he could, and though it was nice to have Magnus here for a change, Alec still prefered his boyfriend's apartment to his own. He suspected part of the reason for this is because of how attached Alec had become to his boyfriend's cats. Chairmen Meow in particular loved to jump up on Alec's lap when he was on the couch. Alec couldn't count how many times he'd woken up to the adorable cat sleeping on either his chest or by his head. Sometimes The Great Catsby slept by his legs, but not nearly as often. The oldest of Magnus's two cats hadn't warmed up to Alec as much as Chairmen.

"I miss the fluffs," Magnus complained as they woke up that morning in Alec's bed, and therefore without any purring cats.

"Me too," Alec agreed, kissing his boyfriend good morning. Magnus pulled him closer and deepened the kiss before they both got out of bed and headed to the kitchen.

"That has to be the most laid back Halloween I've had in years," Magnus commented while they were making breakfast.

"We handed out candy," Alec defended their possibly boring Halloween.

"Yes, but without getting drunk," Magnus chuckled. "And we were in bed before midnight."

"We weren't asleep at midnight though," Alec reminded his boyfriend with a smirk.

"Still," Magnus replied calmly. "A rather chill evening."

"Did you want to go out?" Alec asked. "I wouldn't have minded." Magnus hadn't mentioned anything about wanting to do something more for Halloween, however, now Alec was worried he'd missed some kind of subtle hint.

"That isn't what I meant Alexander," Magnus spoke softly, his tone relaxing Alec again. When Magnus turned to face Alec, he was smiling. Magnus kissed him gently then looked Alec in the eyes as he spoke. "I liked our quiet night in. I was just commenting."

"Good," Alec smiled, leaning forward and kissing his boyfriend before they sat down to breakfast. "Because I'd hate to think I kept you from where you wanted to be."

"What if where I want to be is wherever you are?" Magnus replied with a grin. When Magnus said things like this, Alec felt so happy, but he tried not to overthink it. There was a potential teasing nature to Magnus's words.

"Then I think we did quite well for ourselves in terms of Halloween plans," Alec smiled back, kissing Magnus lightly before standing up and clearing their plates away.

"Must you always do the tidying up," Magnus grumbled. "It makes me feel so useless."

"You snooze, you lose," Alec laughed as he stacked the dirty dishes by the sink.

"Or in this case I snooze, I win," Magnus replied standing up to join Alec in the kitchen.

"I'm a spoiled rich kid who's never worked a day in his life remember," Alec reminded his boyfriend with a laugh. "Stacking dishes won't kill me."

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