Magnus's World

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Magnus loved every moment of Alec in his world. It had made him swell with pride every time Alec enthused about his aunt's home cooking, or took pleasure in some small part of their lifestyle. By the time they left, Magnus had a sense of understanding from Alec. They didn't speak of it, but Magnus could feel the slight change in his fiance. Magnus loved how well Alec and Aleida were getting along. When they finally had to leave, there were hugs all around, and only a few tears. Magnus was sorry to go, but also excited. It was a strange mixture of feelings that reminded him of growing up. As a child, when he was hurting, it was always Aleida that he wanted, but slowly as he and Alexander had gotten more and more serious, that had shifted. Now when he was sad or having a bad day, it was Alec that he wanted to comfort him. What could pulling away from needing your parents mean, except growing up?

Magnus was on a plane headed to Alec's parents where they were spending the second half of July.

"We just had a vacation," Magnus told Alec as they ate their complimentary snacks. "It's so strange to be on another one right after."

"That's because you work too hard," Alec replied with a smile. Magnus gave him a look, and Alec added. "Think of it not as two vacations, but as one that's half over." Magnus couldn't help but smile at Alec's words. He leaned over to kiss Alec's cheek.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Alec asked, gesturing to the tiny tvs in front of each of them. Magnus agreed, and the rest of the flight passed quickly with his eyes on the screen, and his hand holding Alec's.

Once they landed and the seat belt sign was turned off, it seemed as if everyone wanted to be first off the plane. Magnus was sitting in the aisle seat and decided he didn't need to beat the crowd.

"Umm Magnus, we're allowed to leave now," Alec who was already standing, told him.

"I know," Magnus replied.

"So why are we still sitting here?" Alec asked.

"Because allowed to, and able to, are two different things," Magnus explained. "So unless you can walk through people..." Magnus gestured to the flow of foot traffic clogging the one small hallway down the center of the plane. Alec chuckled a little.

"Most people barge through," Alec explained, still grinning.

"Well, I'm not most people," Magnus replied.

"Can't argue with you there," Alec smiled. He lightly kissed Magnus's cheek as they waited the extra few minutes for the traffic to thin out. Leaving the plane, they walked down many long boring looking halls with tacky carpets, before reaching the baggage claim. The first thing Magnus saw when they arrived were two women, their hair the same colour as his Alexander.

"Mom!" Alec called, waving to them.

"It's so good to have you home," Maryse said, pulling her son in for a hug. Magnus was then face to face with the other women in Alec's life.

"There are some decent stores around here," Izzy said. "Can I tempt you to a shopping trip?"

"Ummm," Magnus replied. They had after all just gotten off the plane. Not even he wanted to shop.

"You do know, that in marrying my brother, you are going to be stuck with me for a sister-in-law," Izzy stated, without much expression to give away her meaning.

"I was aware," Magnus said, unsure where she was going with this.

"As you know, I can be quite annoying," Izzy grinned. "You sure he's worth it? Forever is a long time."

"I am sure," Magnus replied easily. "Very acceptable compromise."

"Good," Izzy exclaimed sharply. "That was the correct answer. Any other one, and I'd probably have had to bury a body." Magnus was having a hard time figuring out if she was joking.

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