Ch42: Izzy's Lecture

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Isabelle Lightwood was so done with High School. Sure, it was only March and she was stuck there until June, plus she had to wait all summer, but Izzy couldn't wait for University to start. Consequently, it made perfect sense that she'd told her parents she wanted to spend spring break getting to know the campus. Too bad that was a lie.

The truth was that she wanted to spend her spring break with her brother. Not only did she missed him terribly, but she was worried about him. There had been a strange, poorly concealed panic in Alec's voice the last few times she'd called him. With a few well-placed questions, Izzy had determined that Alec was having boyfriend problems. Though, as far as Izzy could tell, this Magnus person was just stupid. Alec was rich, hot and in love with him. Alec was a catch. She was therefore, here to snap some sense into her brother's boyfriend.

The cab dropped Izzy off at the campus. She'd seen enough photos of the place to know which building was the dorms. Yet another reason why a tour was unnecessary, but her parents didn't need to know that. She could try and find Magnus on her own, but she thought she should probably check in with Alec before she ran off to interrogate his boyfriend. Izzy knew which dorm room was Alec's, since they were all numbered and she'd long ago managed to squeeze Alec's dorm number out of him.

She knocked, but rather than actually waiting for an answer, Izzy just opened the door and entered, eager to surprise her brother. She surprised the occupants of the room alright, but her brother wasn't one of them. The couple who's make out session she'd interrupted jumped and turned to face her. Izzy recognized the blonde as Jace from High School. She knew Alec and Jace shared a dorm, but she still hadn't been quite prepared to meet him like this, sucking face with some redhead.

"Where's my brother?" Izzy asked.

"Wow, Izzy!" Jace said. "Blast from the past."

"Ha!" Izzy scoffed. "What past."

"True," Jace laughed. Their past consisted only of her repeated rejection of him.

"So, Alec?" Izzy asked again. She hadn't quite believed her brother when he'd said Jace had changed and interrupting him making out with someone had done nothing to help Jace's case. Izzy never had understood why women went out with Jace in the first place? Did they have no self-esteem? She wondered what Jace had told this particular redhead to get her into his arms.

"Alec isn't here," Jace said. "He's at Magnus's." Jace then gave Izzy directions.

"Thanks," Izzy said as she turned to leave, closing the door behind her. It seemed Magnus lived just across the street from campus, which Izzy found awfully convenient since she didn't have to wait for another cab. Putting the address into her phone for safe keeping, Izzy started the short walk. It was a rather nice day. Sure, it wasn't quite warm enough to be summer but at least spring was in full swing. Izzy's heels made a pleasant clip clop noise as she walked along the clear, dry sidewalk.

When she reached the correct apartment building, Izzy went up the stairs and within moments stood in front of the room number Jace had given her. Izzy knocked, and this time she waited for someone to answer. There was something different about barging into a dorm room than an actual apartment, the door being locked for one.

When the door opened there stood a tall man with Asian features and caramel skin. He had black spiked hair with blue tips. His outfit, though stylish, was lacking in quality. He likely hadn't spent more than twenty dollars on a single item of clothing. Izzy was suddenly even more annoyed at this man, since she knew instantly who he was. Alec had described Magnus to her more than once and if Magnus wasn't wealthy, surely Alec having money would be a good thing.

"You must be Magnus," she said.

"And you must be Isabelle," Magnus replied smiling at her. He looked slightly stunned by her arrival, though not unwelcoming.

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