Jace's Witnessing

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Exam week was not Jace's favourite time of the year, but he got through it with only one extra trip to the gym for stress relief. Now he was facing Malec's engagement party. Oh shit, when had he started calling them that too? It's totally Clary's fault. That was his story and he was sticking to it. His girlfriend's last exam ended just before the party was set to start, so Jace had told Alec he'd arrive early to help set up. This was how Jace came find himself at Malec's place at 4pm on a Friday.

As soon as he walked into the room, Jace did a double take. It looked so different, as to almost be unrecognizable. It was as if 'wedding' had thrown up all over the place. There were streamers and decorations on every wall. New tables had gone up, moving all the regular furniture to the side. These tables were covered in empty food trays that Jace was sure would be full of their delicious catered dinner within the hour. There was a big sign on the far wall that read 'Happy Engagement Malec.' Jace just stared at the sign for a moment. Then he decided to forever let himself off the hook for merging Magnus and Alec's names together. Really! If they were going to do it themselves anyway, he wasn't going to worry about it.

"What do you think?" It was Alec's voice. Jace turned to see his former roommate standing behind him, grinning like a kid at Christmas.

"It's a lot," Jace replied. "You don't really know how to do anything low-key do you?"

"Hey, I'm only getting married once!" Alec replied, defensively.

"But this is just an engagement party," Jace reminded him. "Not a wedding."

"I know," Alec shrugged. "I am only going to get engaged once too you know. I want to make the most of it."

"This coming from the man who hates shopping," Jace sighed with a shake of his head.

"This is different," Alec disagreed. "Because this is about Magnus."

"If I know anything about that man, I know he'd probably be happy marrying you in a car park."

"Never!" Alec said, inhaling sharply and placing a hand to his chest in shock. It was the most stereotypically gay gesture Jace had ever seen Alec make, and it made him chuckle.

"So where is this fiance of yours anyway?" Jace laughed.

"Hiding," Alec grinned. "In our bedroom." Putting great emphasis on the word our.

"You love that 'our' part don't you?" Jace smiled. "It's like you're glowing."

"Oh shut up," Alec grumbled, playfully hitting Jace on the arm.

"Ouch," Jace complained. "Maybe I should go warn your future husband?" He turned, pretending to call down the hall. "Run now while you still have feeling in both arms."

"Totally and completely shut up!" Alec said, and the next thing Jace knew, there was a pillow in his face. Pulling the offending object away, Jace just saw Alec throw the second one at him. In the slight window between blows, Jace saw the huge grin on Alec's face.

A moment later, Alec's name was called and he darted off mumbling about the caterers needing something. Chuckling slightly, Jace went to say hi to Magnus. It was strange that Jace knew so much about the man, while he didn't know Magnus that well at all. Magnus was his girlfriends best friend, and his best friend's fiance. Two years ago now they'd all arrived at this school knowing next to nothing about each other, and yet, it was as if every year they got closer and closer. If Jace wasn't very much mistaken, he now had a 'friend group', which was quite remarkable. Maybe they should throw parties more often.

"Hey," Jace said smiling, and he knocked on Magnus's bedroom door. "I'm here early to help set up. That fiance of yours is busy bossing around the caterers." There was a long slow exhale of breath before the door opened.

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