Simon's Intentions

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Simon's self control was playing havoc with his good intentions. His girlfriend wasn't alone in her desires, but Simon didn't want their relationship to be solely based on sex again, and he thought that this was the best way to ensure that. Or was he just being silly? If he asked Izzy, he knew what her answer would be.

"Silly," Izzy would say quickly with a nod. "Very silly."

If Simon talked to his other friends about it, he was sure he'd get similar results, though for very different reasons.

"If you both want to, what's the point of waiting?" Clary would say with an easy smile while she was trying to paint something. Simon could picture her with a paint brush behind her ear, not really paying him any attention.

"Just have sex with your girlfriend already, and stop beating around the bush," Jace would say, rolling his eyes. "And stop talking to me about it, geesh."

"I thought I was the crazy sentimental one around here," Jordan would tease him. "Don't go stealing my line."

It was December now, and Izzy and him had made things official in October which meant that Isabelle Lightwood had been celibate for over two months. Maybe that was why Simon wanted to wait this second time around, to prove that Izzy cared more for him than sex. It was a strange notion, and even he knew it was stupid. Jace had been just as much of a player as Izzy when he'd started dating Clary, and yet she hadn't put him through any tests. Simon couldn't help but feel like that was different, though since it hadn't been Clace's second time around after a friends with benefits arrangement. Then again, there was always the possibility that Simon was just worried he'd be horrible at it now that they were really dating. Then again, maybe he was just overthinking this...

And now was definitely not the time to be overthinking anything other than what was right in front of him. Simon was sitting at a desk in the gymnasium, staring blankly at this exam paper with a pencil in his right hand. There was a clock ticking on the wall, marking the seconds of time he no longer had to complete this test.

With a slight shake of his head, Simon got his mind to focus again. There were questions that needed answers, and he knew the answers if his stupid brain would just stop thinking about sex and start thinking about making a round pencil mark on the right dot. Read questions, think of answer, mark the dot, repeat. Over and over again, and then he'd be on a plane to meet Izzy's parents for the first time. And now he was freaking out about that and not at all thinking about question forty-two. Or maybe that was because 42 was the answer to the universe and everything.

Simon had to resist the urge to bang his head down on the desk. What was his issue today? Geez, it was like his mind wouldn't sit still.

Time moves the same whether you want it to or not, and before long the test supervisors were calling that time was up, and everyone was to hand in their exams. Simon walked up, not sure if he'd been totally there for the whole test, but glad it was over all the same. Collecting his things from where he'd left them by the door before the start of the exam, Simon checked his phone. He smiled as he saw how many messages were from his girlfriend.

'Are you done yet? I'm so excited!'

'Exams never feel this long when I'm taking them.'

'I should probably not be texting you but of well!'

'Okay, you have got to be almost done by now.'

'We still have to finish packing and get to the airport and you aren't allowed to suggest we take the bus.'

Simon quickly typed that he was out of the exam and on this way. He knew many people would have been annoyed by Izzy's neediness, but for some reason, Simon loved it. He wasn't sure if that was because he'd craved her exclusive interest for so long, or if it had something to do with the alof independent nature of his one and only other girlfriend. Of course, Clary wasn't alof with Jace like she'd been with him, but that was besides the point. It was a wonderful feeling to be wanted, and it was new to him.

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