Clary's Interuption

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"Who can tell me what Van Gogh's biggest contribution to art history was?"

No one in the class put up their hand, and Clary couldn't blame them. It was less than ten minutes to freedom, and everyone knew it. The professor gave up on getting an answer pretty quickly, and moved on to talk about how many people today are still inspired by Van Gogh's works, still mimicking the styles he created. Clary knew she should be listening, but she was watching the clock. This was her last art history class before exams, but not only that, it was her last class for her entire second year of university. Clary wasn't sure where the time had gone.

"I will get your papers back to you by email before exams so you can use them for reference," the prof concluded her lecture. "See you then, and don't forget to study."

Clary started packing up her books, and was just turning to leave when she noticed Brett standing beside her.

"Hey," she said casually.

"Hi," Brett replied. He seemed a little nervous, probably about their exams. It always hit students right about now. Clary had planned on going straight home after class, but she wasn't sure if that would be rude, now that Brett had tried to engage her in conversation.

"Umm," Brett began. "I was wondering if you wanted to study together, for exams and stuff?"

"Sure," Clary shrugged. "I'm gonna need all the help I can get. I much prefer practical art to memorizing art history myself."

"Me too," Brett chuckled lightly, bringing his hand up to run through his hair. Clary thought he'd walk away then, but he didn't. The classroom was empty now but for the two of them.

"I'm headed home," Clary said, after a moment, trying not to be rude.

"I'll walk with you," Brett replied. With a shrug Clary turned to leave. To her surprise, Brett kept her company as she started walking home. They talked mostly of class and Van Gogh, but also about the professor herself. The light casual conversation continued up until Clary and Brett found themselves at her turn off.

"Isn't your house that way?" Clary asked, pointing in the opposite direction Brett was facing.

"Maybe," Brett smiled. "But I was enjoying our conversation." Clary laughed. Digging into her bag, she pulled out a slip of paper and scribbled some numbers on it before handing it over.

"Here, text me," Clary said. "And we can keep talking about art history. Maybe even pick a study time." She waved, then turned in the direction of home. "See ya."

"Bye," Brett said back also waving.

Facing forward again, Clary looked down at her feet as she walked the rest of the way home. She and Jace hadn't really talked about what they were doing for the summer this year, though since they were both living in apartments, not dorms, they had a few more options.

Clary turned the key in the lock before she realized the door was already open. Magnus must be home from his shopping trip with Izzy already, or she supposed Alec had just decided to drop by. Clary had long suspected that either Magnus had given his boyfriend a key, or Alec had somehow figured out where they kept their spare one. Clary dumped all her school stuff on the floor in a satisfying way, knowing she wouldn't need to pick it up again anytime soon. Even if she still had exams to worry about, being done class for the year was a nice feeling. Thinking she'd watch some television Clary headed into the living room. She'd picked up the remote and was facing the tv before she heard the couch talk.

"Hello there, Biscuit."

Clary jumped about a foot in the air and spun round. Both Alec and Magnus were laying on the couch with a blanket over them, but everything that wasn't covered, and said blanket was bare as the day they'd been born.

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