✗ sixty-eight ✗

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A/N: Don't hate me xx


1 January

"Are you feeling okay?"

I lay on an examination table in the hospital with a monitor strapped to my bump and a hospital gown covering my body, completely calm now. We've been here for around an hour, demanding to speak with Dr. Surrey, who thankfully was in doing paperwork when we arrived.

She got a nurse to take us back to the room we're currently waiting in, strapping heart rate monitor around my stomach for the baby and measuring my contractions. Since lying down the contractions I was feeling have stopped, which leaves me lying embarrassedly on the table awaiting Dr. Surrey.

"Yeah, I'm feeling okay." I answer, staring up at the ceiling and taking a deep breath. "I feel bad that Cheryl, Liam, and Louis came all this way with us." Muttering, I look towards the door, patiently waiting for Dr. Surrey to rush into the room and announce whether I'm not having this baby or whether I'm going into labour. With the lack of nurses and doctors in the room, I'm assuring it's the former not the latter.

"Don't, they want to be here, especially Louis." Harry says chuckling to himself as he pushes some of my hair off my shoulders. "That man is demanding that he be present when she's born, but I'm not really sure I'm comfortable having him see my girlfriend's vagina and breasts."

"That makes two of us."

I know for sure that I want Harry in the room with me, and if I was on good terms with my mother I might consider her being in the room as well. But since we don't get along and there's no way in hell she's going to allowed near the baby, let alone in the room when she's born.

"Harry?" Harry, who's staring at the heart rate monitor on my stomach, cranes his neck in my direction, flashing me his beautiful emerald eyes. "This pretty much means we're going to be having her in the hospital, right? I know you kind of wanted to have her at the house-"

"It's whatever you feel more comfortable with, Shay. I don't want you to feel pressured with what I want, but after today I don't think I'll be calm enough to just wait it out at home anyways. Besides, you'll be the one giving birth, I'll just be there for moral support."

I lean up with a smile on my face, motioning for Harry to lean closer. Once he's close enough I give him a quick peck on the lips before lowering myself comfortable back down.

"How much longer do you think we'll be here?" I wonder, biting down on my lip.

"Have you had any other contractions since we got here?" With a heavy sigh and shake my head, resting my eyes for a moment.

"Not since I've been laying down and the nurse came and hooked me up." I open my eyes and look down at my pointer finger on my right hand, seeing the heart rate monitor there and then looking up to my upper arm where the blood pressure cuff still resides comfortably. "God, I'm so embarrassed. I know they're going to send us home and we'll be foot a bill for nothing."

"Don't worry about any of that. You're a first time mother and it's your body, what may feel like false contractions to one woman could feel like real one's to another. I'm positive you're not the only woman in the world to come to the hospital on suspicions that they're in labour. Relax, baby." He says, placing his hand on my head again and softly brushing the strands back. "Just shut your eyes and rest a little, it's after midnight."

With a heavy sigh I shut my eyes and take a deep breath.

"We missed midnight." I say softly. "You missed out on your New Year's kiss." I hear Harry chuckle and the motion of his hand on my head halt. Little seconds later, the feeling of Harry's soft, plump lips on mine makes me giggle lightly before pressing my own lips against him.

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