Oh my goddddd His voice!!

Kayla: I was just calling about Sky. Whats going on with her? 

Nick: She won't say. But I know something's up. 

Kayla: I tried to talk to her but she just says it's nothing. But I'm her best friend and I think I have an idea of what's going on.. I know her well enough to have an idea of who it might be. But I just wanna know if she said anything.

Nick: Who?!

Kayla: Look, you're her older cousin but I'm her best friend, almost sister. So step back and let the bestfriend handle this one. I know her better than you, you may have known her since she was born but I know almost all her secrets.

Nick sighs, "Kayla. I'm like her older brother, I love her like a little sister. I need to know."

I think about telling him but for the sake of the person, I don't. I already know if I tell Nick, he'll make a stupid decision, "I don't know for sure Nick. Give me time to think, I'll let you know when I got some facts straight. Okay?"

I hear nick's tone of voice change to a warning voice, "Kayla.."

Kayla: What?

Nick: Don't do something stupid.

I laugh, "She's my best friend. That's the only time I can get away with a stupid decision. Look, If Skylar asks you anything, we never talked. got it?"

Nick: Kayla, you're not making any moves without me are you?"

Hehe. Little does he know I am, "No. Look, I gotta go but, I'll give you updates okay?"

After talking to nick, I rush to my room and throw on some clothes and do a little makeup so if they have someone cute over, I look good.

After talking to nick, I rush to my room and throw on some clothes and do a little makeup so if they have someone cute over, I look good

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

As I walk out the door, I hear Skylar taking a shower. So I text her and tell her I have to run some errands. 


getting out of elevator, I check the time and see it's almost 12:15. Standing in front of the door, I knock hard enough for them to hear me.

 After a few minutes, the door opens and Sawyer is standing in front of me, "Hey.... Kayla right?"

Sawyer stretches and I look at him, "Yeah. So where's Adym?"

Sawyer finishes stretching, "In his room, I think he's still asleep though, he's really tired."

I look at Sawyer, not giving up, "Okay. So, either way I need to talk to him."

Sawyer and I look at each other, both not budging..........

Skylars Pov

I get out of the shower and throw some clothes on. As I sit down to do my makeup, I check my phone seeing I got a text from Kayla telling me she's gonna run some errands. Setting my phone down, I start on my makeup and think about what i'm doing today.

 Setting my phone down, I start on my makeup and think about what i'm doing today

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Standing up, I look at myself and think about the mall incident

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Standing up, I look at myself and think about the mall incident. Should I text him? What do I say if I do?

~Ayyyeee babes, here's another cliffhanger for you! What's gonna happen?? Oh wait, I already know, but I haven't started it cuz I'm 1. Lazy and 2. Busy. I have to do something tonight, and I should be packing for tomorrow but ya know I had time and I don't feel like packing so here's another chapter!!~

 I have to do something tonight, and I should be packing for tomorrow but ya know I had time and I don't feel like packing so here's another chapter!!~

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Seriously, you can see the resemblance!!! Like fr tho, I can see where he gets his looks!! 

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