Everything shifted so quickly, the world of my dream starts shaking, which causes my heart to starts pumping even harder. I stood up, we all stood up, and in a split second the water divides itself into two, a path forms and I walked on it. A big mistake of mine. As I made my way to the path, my friends followed behind me, I felt fear which causes my legs to tremble, my heart start pumping even harder as if any second I could get a heart attack. I finally made it to the path and we walked and walked and walked, unclear of where we're going but we didn't once stop and turn back to where we were, instead we're sure enough that the path could lead us to something more beautiful, some place different.

The world stops shaking and slowly from the center, water flow back into the path, any moment now we'll be drown. At that moment, then I realize that it's still far away from the center of the ocean. Panic forms in our mind, we couldn't react. We stopped walking and we ran, back to the shore even that we know it's impossible to get, even if we know that any moment soon we'll be drown by the cruel and vicious water. But we didn't give up hope; we ran our way back to shore. Of course, we weren't fast enough to get to shore, of course we were drown, but that all happened pretty dramatically, unfortunately it's too hurtful to remember so I won't get to the details, we drown, that's the point.

Everything shifted from heavenly to devilish, from once was peace to chaotic, I'm no longer in the tranquil and peaceful beach, I'm somewhere else, this place just felt evil, like cruel, not peaceful. It's dark in here and not pitch black, well, some of the parts of this place are pitch black but, the other parts are just dark, even if I'm not the rightful owner of this place, even I'm just visiting with accidental not on purpose, I felt instant anger building, I felt evil, maybe this place is evil after all. I saw nobody, not a single body, not Adam nor were my three friends there. I'm alone in this place. I pinched myself, nothing happens, I'm in my dream and I lost control or whatsoever to the dream. I couldn't wake up. Then, I start thinking whether is this really just a dream or is this another vision?

I couldn't really get an answer to that. After I finished asking myself, I heard a swoosh sound around me, as if someone is swinging a blade, I felt instant fear forming around me. Then I saw it, someone with a blade, the blade that the crazy doctor wanted to kill me with, the 10 inch blade swoosh in front of, aimed straight into my heart, I couldn't react as I'm panicking. The blade went through me as if I'm nothing, I didn't see the face off my killer, correction, I couldn't see as in my eyes were closed, all I know that he wears a mask, a mask covered with some devilish ornaments. Wait, I'm not sure whether it's devilish, just seeming devilish to me. This place explains everything. Anyway, as soon as the blade went through me, killing me in an instant, I woke up. I thought that I. Might thank my killer if it's just in the dream, in real life, no thank you.

I woke up finding myself lying on a bed, Adam and my friends are still nowhere to be found. I'm still all alone. I didn't even remember how I got here. Adam and three of my friends appeared out of nowhere. I'm still tucked in the blanket and I didn't want to get up.

“Where am I?” I asked

“Relax; we're still at the hotel.” Joy replied.

“What?!?” I exclaimed "What happened?"

“Well, the lobby is still in a chaotic situation, so after we found our names in the list we decided not to stay at the lobby and went back to the room. There we find you and this young man over here sleeping together.” Patricia said while pointing her finger to Adam. “So we decided to wake you both up” She pauses and laughed to herself. “Waking Adam is the easy part, waking you, is the hardest part.”

“We tried every single humane thing to wake you up, turns out that you're in a deep sleep, we shook you, normally people would wake up, but you didn't. Joy explained. “So we did a little improvisation.”

“Adam here had to carry you to this suite so that you can rest, turns out that in just a few minutes, you've woken up.” Mara continued.

“Well, who’s paying?” I asked.

“Relax, got it all covered” Adam said confidently.

I pause and silence pass between us, I feel like I need to talk to them. I feel like I need to tell them my not-so-big secret. But I felt that if I did that, I feared that they wouldn't want to make friends with someone who is such a freak. I hesitated for some time and I decided that it's time.

“I've got something to tell you” I said “I mean show you”

Without any further hesitation I made myself invisible. They all gasp and their faces form a shocked expression, but why do I get the feeling that it's all part of an act? Then I made myself visible again.

“That was... Ummm... How do I put this? Crazy...” Mara said “How long have you been keeping this secret?”

Before I could answer we heard a door knock. One knock, followed by another. I saw their faces showing signs of panic.

              “Agent Murphy, please with your fellow agents do step out of the room” A man said to Adam.

              “Why do I have to do that?” He asked

Then it hit me, the voice that belong to the man is the same voice as the man’s voice in my dream. The man who wanted to take over the world, I finally met him, he wanted to use me, he doesn’t want me dead, he want me alive. That’s why he sent Adam, to study me, to know my weak spot, so that he could use me. But what does fellow agents mean? Is my three best friends one of them?

              “I need to talk to her personally.” He said.

              “Right I’ll be out” Adam replied. “Just give me a few minutes.”

My eyes grew wide. I felt a raging anger rush through me, I wanted to kill him. After all the times that we spent together, after all the time he said that he loves me, it’s all just part of an act. I couldn’t believe it.

              “How dare you!” I exclaimed, trying not to sound too loud.”

              “We’ll explain later” Patricia said. “Right now, all we have to do is focus on how to escape.”

              “What? You’re one of them?” I demanded

              “She said that we’ll explain to you later.” Joy reminded

I rolled my eyes thinking that this is it, the end.

              “What floor is this?” Adam asked.

              “42nd” Mara replied.

He pauses trying to think of a way.

              “Operation number 987” He said to my three best friends. I didn’t know what he’s talking about but it seems that my best friends knew what he meant by 987.

Adam waited for us to step to the balcony and he went out of the room.

              “What’s operation 987 again?” I asked

              “No more question just jump.” Joy said.

              “What!? I’m not jumping.” I exclaimed.

              “Then you’ll get caught. Your decision” Patricia said

They all put on their belt and jumped, leaving me alone on the balcony. Apparently, their belt has this thing that helps them ease the fall, they won’t die, the belt was design to support their weight, unlike me; I don’t have one.

There was a loud bang on the door and it crushed into several pieces, they’ve broke into the door and I was standing on the railing of the balcony. I look down and I look back towards the man in my dream, everything of him reminds me of someone powerful. I hesitate, then while facing him, I let my body fall backwards. He raced the way to the balcony hoping that he could catch me before I fall, but I was fast enough, and he didn’t catch me.

And I took another leap of faith today; I’m falling from the 42nd floor of a hotel. Yet another epic action of mine.

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