✗ sixty-four ✗

Start from the beginning

"Moxy, it isn't that simple. I can't simply forget what I saw the other night. I cannot get the image of her lips on Harry's out of my head. I still see them lip locking out in front of Anne and Robin's home. I still see her hands meshing through his soft hair like mine did hour's prior. How do expect me to look at Harry's hands and know they've held her hips tight? I can't picture his face without seeing her tainted lipstick all over his beautiful lips!" I take a deep breath, running my hands through my incredibly tangled blonde hair.


"How would you feel if you saw Niall kissing his ex?" I ask lowly. I don't mean to hurt Moxy's feelings, but I'm afraid she can't relate.

"I'd be devastated." Thank you, "if I knew he did it on purpose." I groan and roll my eyes at the infuriating girl I call one of my best friends. "Shay," She takes a seat on the edge of the bed, bringing her legs up and crossing them together. She stares down at her knees, playing with her hands before her. "I know what it feels like to be cheated on, Mr. Arabian Prince cheated on me with two other women." A prince? "He could have any beautiful woman he wanted, including me for a time. I walked in after a night out with girlfriends to find him in bed with another beauty.

"Did it hurt? Hell yeah it did. Someone I had given all my trust to had betrayed me and it felt as if I was dying. I threw a bloody candlestick at him whilst he lay sleeping to the world. I spent a good half an hour screaming at him out of anger as I packed my things. He didn't try to stop me. He didn't argue with me, didn't do shite. He just let me leave, watching as I stormed out of his flat as he laid comfortably with the scantily clad woman in his bed." 

Even after all this time, she still appeared to be hurt by it, which doesn't give me much hope for my poor heart.

Moxy's always been better with the male species. She's had more relationships than I have since the beginning of time. She dated Jonathon and Lester in primary school and Francis, Alex, and Daniel throughout sixth form. I have no idea who she has dated since then, but I can only guess there's been about two more than Arabian Prince and Niall. She dates a lot, yes, but most her relationships have deep meaning to both her and her partner.

"You and I both know that Harry wasn't the one who initiated the kiss. His hands were probably on her hips to push her away. I've seen the way that Harry looks at you. He is completely, utterly in love with you, Shay. His eyes light up every time you step foot into the room. He's like a lost puppy without you. I've stopped by the office when you're not there and he is the biggest grouch on the planet. He pouts about everything, paper work, phone calls, even invites to lunch with his best mates."

"Thanks Moxy." I mutter, still eyeing my lap intently. "Doesn't mean that I'm going to see him now."

"I didn't say now, I said tomorrow morning. I just wanted to get it through your thick skull before dragging you there without your consent. You're allowed to be pissed at him, but not so mad that you don't forgive him eventually. The image of what you saw will take a while to vanish, but you'll eventually fight through it." She talks with so much assurance that it does finally relieve some of the pain that I've been feeling in my chest. 

If Moxy can get over something like a billion heart breaks, then I can get over this unfortunate hiccup in my relationship with Harry.

"Okay, I'll try. I do really love him."

"Good." Moxy stands from the bed and claps her hands obnoxiously loud. With a couple skips in her step she carries herself into the, basically, empty walk in closet I've been using as my own for the past couple of days. "Now we can focus on the important things for the day."

"Like what?" I question, finding the strength in my body to peel myself from the mattress. It has been pleasant to sleep in, but it still hasn't been anywhere near as comfortable as the one I share with him.

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