Chapter 6

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New Gifts



Times like these make me feel uncomfortable and it doesn't help when Ms. Marks keeps looking everywhere but me.

"Okay.. umm... let me just say I did this for your own good. That day I pulled you aside and have you the news about your father-Well I kind of lied about that. Right now he's in the hospital but because he came home to find your mother with another man. Of course your father was too drunk to fight him off and his skull is fractured due to the multiple punches he recieved. Your mother blames you for this and she came here earlier to take you back. I won't allow her to take you home just to beat you up-and don't you dare lie to me and deny the fact that she beats you up," she snarled. I can tell it angers her knowing I get a beating daily. The weird thing is this year I really haven't gotten as many beatings as I use to.

"Not as much-how do you even know about the beatings," I questioned feeling my chest rising with anger. If she knew why didn't she put a stop to it.

"I found out Two months ago when you were trying hard not to limp like today. That and the bruise on you shoulder gave it away. I would of done something but knowing you, you wouldn't accept my help."

Why am I getting angry? She has done nothing but help me out enough by letting me stay at her house and she takes good care of me. She's right though im too stubborn to reach out for any help. This is my problem and I'll handle the situation.

"Well im just going to go to bed and thank you for, well everything you've done for me," I stood up and left to go back to my room. One thing for sure im not going to let my mom break me down. I can't keep being I coward. Not anymore, not after what she did to my dad. I just need to recover from the beating still and then I'll deal things with her. She crossed the line once she messed with my dad. The nerve she has in bringing a man to the house.

"Why must the world be full of so much scandal, " I muttered to no one in particular.  I can't remember when I doze off but I woke up with a headache.  I really got to stop thinking so much. After throwing my little morning tantrum I finally decided to get up and dress up. Today I'll just wear some leggings with a baggy shirt and some combat boots. I'll just do a quick French braid and lighten up on my make up. After finishing up the last touch ups to my make-up, I went downstairs to see if Ms. Marks was up. Knowing her she's always up by five. I swear she's such a morning person. To my dissapointment she wasn't in the kitchen, but instead had left a note.


'Had to go in Early . Please help yourself to anything in the fridge. Also I wanted to give this to you in person but I  really couldn't wait for you to have it. Once you open it up give me a call.'



"What was I going to call from?" I thought to myself. Maybe from her house phone?

I opened up the box that laid on the kitchen counter. It was neatly decorated in rapping paper and it had my name neatly printed on it. I didn't hesitate to open it up since I really wanted to know what she had gotten me. My eyes widened and I was surprised to see what she had gotten me. In my hands I held my very first cellphone. What's crazy is I always wanted one, but not for internet or Facebook. I just wanted it to use in case of an emergency.  Also it's a good GPS, that can help me so much since I tend to get lost with directions. Ahh! I can now locate the closest ice cream polar. Yes im strange, but it's Ice cream!

I nearly had a heart attack once the phone started ringing. The song Let it go blared through my new cellphone echoing through the walls. I quickly answered it and placed it by my ear.

"Hello?" I asked unsurely.

"Finally you woke up! So tell me do you like your new IPhone, " She asked and it was evident she was nervous for my response.

"How can I not! It has a GPS that can help me locate an Ice cream polar!" I yelled in excitement and it made her burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter. I can't blame her since im so weird.

"Seriously? Usually teenagers would be glad to have a phone for YouTube, Facebook, and etc,  but your excited for a GPS that's installed in your cellphone," She stated with amusement in her tone.

"That and I can call in case of an emergency, " I finished off.

"Alright well get your butt to school before you get in trouble," She teased knowing I'm known for having a tardy record. I muttered a 'yes mam' then hung up adter bidding her goodbye of course. I started walking to school. I can't wait to show Brandon my new cellphone.



"Brandon!" I hissed trying to get my iPhone back.

"I'm just trying to save myself as a contact before anyone else because I'm special," he stated in a cocky tone.

"Oh yeah, your special alright. Special Ed," I remarked making him gasp.

"You are not nice," He said faking a hurt look. I couldn't help it and cracked a smile. He is such a dork at times.

"You know what's good about this new Cellphone." He questioned raising an eyebrow at me. I knew what he was thinking.

"A GPS FOR AN ICE CREAM POLAR!" We both screamed out getting glances from people. I couldn't help and laughed so hard that even my stomach was hurting.

"This is why we are Best Friends," I stated punching his shoulder.

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