Chapter 47

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Please don't leave me

Fucken greg! What am I suppose to do when Candice finds out?!?

I was laying on my bed thinking everything through. How can I tell her? I know I should of never done that bet, but it gave me the confidence to approach her. Knowing her though she'll still be devastated once she learns the truth. I never though it would cause any harm, but now I'm thinking more clearly.

"Hey Dylan! I wanted to see if I could borrow your charger - my phones about to die," my sister asked. Normally I would tell her to buzz off but I'm so wrapped up in my situation that I didn't care.

"Knock yourself out kiddo," I commented.

"You okay?" She said in disbelief.  Clearly she knows me best since my own mother doesnt.

"No... i messed up big time," I sighed.

"Wow big bro. You finally get the girl you want and you mess it up. You shouldn't worry though because if she truly loves you she'll forgive you despite how big the situation is. We all tend to make mistakes along the road in a relationship, but yet the person who loves you sees past your fuck ups and still manages to love you even though you technically are a loser."

I heard every word she said and sat right up.

"Either you watch or read too many romances or you already dated?" I inquired raising an eyebrow at her. She gave a nervous laugh and dismissed my accusation. 

"Were not talking about me - anyways if Candice truly loves you she'll hear you out. Then give her space because no one likes to be smothered when their angry. Knowing you, you might just do that," She snorted.

"I resent that," I defensively argued. She raised her hands up in defense and walked out with my charger.
She has a point

I groaned knowing everything she said was true. I don't want Candice to be mad at me.


"Hey Dylan what's up," Brody stated. I grumbled a bunch of incoherent words since I was starving.

"You okay?" He asked weirdly.

"Yeah I'm just sooooooooooo hungry," I hollered. I turned the corner and noticed greg talking to myra. She's changed a lot and dressed different. Change has done her good because she's not dressing or acting like a slut. Nathan has changed her for the best.

I'm guessing I was giving greg death glares and Brody noticed it.

"What happened- how come you look like you could kill greg right now?" He asked. Just then a smile appeared on his face and I knew whatever he had to say wasn't anything I wanted to hear.

"Don't tell me you turned gay for him and want him all for yourself," he smugly stated.

"No you dipshit! He told Candice about the bet - well he mentioned it and now Candice wants to know," I nonchalantly stated.

"Wait. He talked about what shall not be mentioned locker talk," Brody questioned.

"Yeah he did- Brody get back here," I blurted out seeing Brody going to greg. Good thing Myra had left because things aren't going to go good.

"Yo pip squeak what did we say in the lockers about saying what shall not be mentioned outside, " Brody angrily stated.

"Well I don't want to be apart of it," Greg snarled. Woah, why the sudden change in character.

"Too bad because if Candice finds out- or any other girl knows you can count on getting uncountable beatings," Brody threatened. 

"Your empty threats don't mean nothing to me-"

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