Chapter 24

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Zoella Pov

Okay things will turn out okay and nothing bad will happen... Hopefully! I turned my attention toward the clock and noticed I had ten minutes to spare before I met up with Kyle."Why do you care so much about Nathan?"  I remember telling Riley and those exact words rung through my head when she asked. She looked bored with our conversation and it annoyed me. I obviously told her because she's my best friend, but she obviously doesn't care. Not that I blame her though since she has her own problems to deal with. Hell! Everyone has problems their dealing with. I don't know why, but I feel protective over him. Maybe it's stupid agreeing to met up with someone you hate-Who also has a thing for you over some dirt he's threatening to expose to someone you care. The most stupid part is it might be real or not. The way he said it though, he made it seem like it was something big. I just don't want to see Nathan upset or anything. He's really grown on me and it just sucks to see him sad. He's good at hiding it from others, but not from me. I should know what it is to fake a smile and pretend nothings wrong.

I held my jacket tightly around my body since it was freaken forty degrees.  The weather is so weird sometimes. Walking toward the back I noticed a figure standing there. Well here for nothing.

"Kyle I'm here," I announced stepping closer toward him, but kept my distance away from him.

"I'm shocked you actually came. You look really nice if I may add-"

"Kyle seriously cut the crap!" I snapped feeling a bit cold. This jacket doesn't do a lot to keep me warm and quite frankly I can feel my knees shaking.

" Look we both know I want you,  but that's not why your here. Nathan really left an impression on a ton of people. I bet that's how his parents feel about him too- Well if he knew them," he mocked pretending to fake some tears. What the hell?

"What are you trying to get at?" I asked feeling a bit skeptical. Is he trying to say some sick joke.

"Obviously you, but I don't think that's what you were refering to. Ever feel like the people you think you know aren't really what you expect them to be." Sadly, I realized thay when I was six.

"Kyle what are you talking about," I asked sensing a bad feeling about the subject.


"Zoella what the fuck! Are you crazy you actually met up with fucken Kyle!" Riley exclaimed outraged. I turned and noticed Kyle smirking at her. He turned his attention to me and shook his head. Fuck! I can tell he was going to tell me, but I doubt he'll tell me now.

"Riley calm down-"

"Why are you so curious to know what this moron has to say about Nathan. I doubt it's anything big-Can't you see he just wants to be with you at any cost," She breathed out trying to catch her breath. I can tell she came running. Why though?

"Funny your one to talk because I know a lot of stuff-Including the night of Brandon's Party," He stated bluntly.  Once those words left his mouth I saw Riley stiffening up. As if those words had a spell on her, she stayed still almost as if there were invisible chains retraining her body. Why is she so freaked out? What kind of threat was that?

"Leave her out of this! Just please tell me about-"

"Just think about what I said," as those words left his mouth they continued to Ring through my head. His figure started disappearing with each step he took. Pretty soon I couldn't see him and turned sighing. One question rang through my head as I look at Riley. What happened at Brandon's party? Did she hook up with someone-or maybe someone caught her on video. Blackmailing is so stupid and I don't like the fact that Kyle has something over her head. Debating if I should her I laid a hand on her shoulder. That seemed to snap her out of her own thoughts. Maybe it's not a good idea confronting her about it. When she's ready she'll tell me. There's no need to rush her into telling me something she is not ready to talk about.

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