Chapter 14

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Without Love

"yeah I remember that prank it was epic," I say laughing at how stupid I was in eighth grade. Just then I see Matt walking downstairs with his phone and something caught my eye and it made me go on all alert. In his side pocket I was able to spot a pink Iphone case that had a huge Z on it. Without a doubt it's Zoella. I walk up stairs and Dylan follows me and on the floor was Zoella in just her undergarments lying unconscious. I feel my insides erupting in pure anger. I walk downstairs and walk straight up to Matt who was talking to Kyle and Myra by the kitchen. They both had their backs turned to me and I heard him saying something that made all hell break loose.

"I'm sure if we post these up online for sure well humiliate her and that's one step in taking her down cause her fucken confidence annoys the hell out of me."

That's all it took to make me barg into the kitchen and punch the living daylights out of him. Kyle was quick to give me a cheap shot punch when I was focusing on Matt. Dylan to my aid took on Kyle while I repeatedly punched Matt and he was knocked out already. I grabbed his iphone and Threw it against the  wall causing it to shatter and since were talking about phones I grabbed Zoella's phone and as I turn my attention there she is looking lost and scared. That fucken basturd what did he do to her.

"Let's go Zoella," I mumbled seeing she was cold, soaked, and scared. As she takes her first step her body gave up and she crumpled to the floor. I couldn't catch her because I wasn't even expecting that. I run to her aid and carry her bridal style. I trust only one doctor who can help me out.

My mom.

I went to go open the car door and gently put zoella in and closed the car door.I ran to the other Side and started the car. I drove off and noticed Zoella groaning as her head moved sideways. She was curled up in an armidillos position and I can tell she's in pain. I mentally yelled fuck it and drove over the speed limit to try and make it to my house in time. I can't bare seeing her in this much pain. I was lucky there weren't any cops to stop me. After making turns and fast driving I managed to make it home. I slammed my door shut and ran over to Zoella and carried her bridal style. I opened my door and ran to my mom's clinical that was two blocks down. I would of parked there but the towing cars were there so I couldn't.  It sucks that she doesn't have a parking lot but eh at least she's starting a small clinic. I ran three blocks with Zoella in my arms. I made there in no time since I am a quick runner. I walked in and I said my mom talking to the lady in the front.

"Mom! I need your help," I exclaimed as she turned to look at me. Her expression turns from happy to horrified.

"She's been drug," I blurt out and my mom calls some guys to bring a stretcher.  They took her away and I wanted to follow but my mom held me back by putting her hand infront of me.

"I'll take good care of her so wait," she demanded as she left. I sat down and looked at the clock. It was midnight and to be honest I was tired and sleepy but I wouldn't allow myself to sleep. I grabbed my phone and decided to listen to some rock to keep me up. The first song that played though wasn't rock and instead the song Say something played. My eye lids were growing heavy so I decided to run a coffee errand for myself. I asked Martha, the front lady, if she wanted some and she nodded her head and said a thank you to me. I was glad the Coffe shop was right across from this clinic. I bought myself two coffees just in case one isn't enough. I gave Martha her coffee and sat down with mine. I looked at the clock and noticed it was One. I was beginning to grow worried till my mom came out and she look relieved.

"We were able to drain the drug out of her so that's good but she'll have to stay here for tonight," she explained. She then gave me a funny look and I knew that look she was dissapointed. Why would she be- Ohh the bruise I have.

"Did you get into another fight," she scowled making me flinch at her tone.

"I had to because those basturd were going to post up pictures of her," I blurted out making her eyes widen.

"Do you know if they drugged her?" She questioned making my fist clench.

"I didn't see them but I heard them," I muttered. She sighed making me groan.

"We need proof," she stated.

"But mom! Isn't it enough th-"

"Look brandon! I don't like this anymore than you but no one else witnessed it and there all going to say you started the fight for no reason," she snapped making me groan in annoyance.

"For now let's be grateful she's okay," she says as she pats my back.

"Can I see her?" I plead and waste no time to go in when she nods her head. I walked through the doors and I walk fast as I approached. I opened the door and there laid a sleeping Zoella.

"Brandon help me," She mumbled making my heartbreak. I should of been there for her. I stood by her side and sat down on the chair. I held her hand and began dosing off. I stood up and kisses her on the cheek then sat back down. I let sleep take over me but I refused to leave.


I woke up and noticed Zoella smiling down at me. I mustered a smile and sat up as she observed me.

"Morning sleepy head," she cooed as she ruffled my hair. I noticed our hands were still connected and that brought a big smile to my lips.

"Hey," I murmured as i stretched a bit. I noticed she was biting her lips and it made me smirk.

"What?" I questioned making her blush.  Hmm wonder what that's about?

"Nothing it's just umm.. anyways why am I here?" she asked looking confused.

"You don't remember?" I asked scrunching up my eyebrows in confusion. Her eyes widened in realization and her grip on the sheet tightened.

"Did he r-rape m-me?" she studdered as her eyes became watery.

"No he didn't, " I said making her relax.

"Can I go now," she asked making her pouty face. I smiled and nodded my head. I'm pretty sure she'll be okay  now since mom only Said she should be here for the night. I grabbed her phone from my pocket and noticed she had a tone of missed calls from Mark?

"Ummm marked call you," I said unsurely. Her eyes looked at me with confusion written all over her face.

"Mark?" she questioned unsurely.

"Oh mark!" she said in a worried tone.

"who is he?" I asked feeling a bit bothered. "Oh don't get all jealous babe," she teased. I felt happy hearing her say that. I tried to make a grumpy face but her smile made me crack a smile.

"Its a she by the way," she blurted out making me smile.

"I wasn't jealous-"

"Mhmm and Changing Tatum isn't hot," she mocked.

"Not mot than me," I state making her crack up.

"Babe let me take you out to breakfast?" I asked feeling hungry. She quickly nodded her head and tried to get up. She groaned but stood up as she held her head.

"Well buy you some pills after you've eaten."


Once my mom brought some of Zoella's clothes. She quickly changed and made a messy ponytail. she looks so beautiful even when she's not even trying.  I smiled and held her hand in my own. She looked up at me and smiled as we walked outside. We thanked my mom and she told Zoella to stay away from those boys and I assured her I'll always be with her.

"Let's just get past what they did. there's no reason to remember especially since it was the night you asked ne out. Lets keep happy thoughts," she announced making me smile.

"You really are a sweet person. Just not sweeter than my pancakes," I stated making her laugh. What can I say I love pancakes

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