Chapter 7

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Keep one eye open




"It's about damn time you got a cellphone! Now I could text you-Oh! I'm a put my contact number before Brandon does," Riley squealed as she typed away on my IPhone. It's funny having a friend like Riley because she's very persistent and very understandable. She's also known for being very athletic.  I met her in Water polo the first time I applied for it. Since then we've become quite close. Of course not closer then me and Brandon but she is my number one best friend in girls.

"Sorry to break it to you but he already input his number," I muttered in a low voice. She groaned and muttered a few colorful words relating to Brandon. They don't hate each other but for some reason their always competing against eachother when it comes to me. I'm not complaining since they tend to get me killer presents. Last time Riley got me a twenty-five gift card to Starbucks but Brandon got me a fifty dollar gift card to Billy's Bacon bits. Their so weird but very funny. The good thing is I have a job at Billy's Bacon bits and they pay me good. I really don't like being at my house and that's the reason why im involved in so much but im glad I got involved in school since I met Riley.  

"Riley, let's go. Were going to be late for Math,"I groaned not looking forward to math.

"I swear that teacher really needs to get laid or something," She blurted out making me crack up.

"I hope you lady's aren't talking about me," Kyle commented making me roll my eyes.

Why can't he stay away from me?

"Why would we? We're having a pleasent conversation and I wouldn't want to mess it up by bringing you up," she remarked irritated at Kyle. If there's one person that hates klye more than anything in the world it would be Riley. 

"Touché now are we. What happened to the love we use to share," he taunted her making her fist clench.

"What do you want Klye. We're really not in the mood to deal with an Asshole like you right now," I stated getting right to the point.

"Feisty now are we. We'll I wanted to inform you guys of a bonfire that's going on-

"Thanks for the invite but Brandon already invited me."

His expression hardened making my eyebrows furrow in confusion.  Why is he getting mad?

"Invited you where?" Brandon asked appearing out of no where.

"To the bonfire Klye wanted to invited Zoella," Riley pipped up.

"Oh yea, I'm her accompany."

Riley' s eyes opened wide as did mine. Without another word Kyle left.

"Did you basically say I was your date?" I asked confused.

"Oh.. um.. yeah-Unless you don't want me to call it that. I uh-

"Pick me up at Riley's place. I'll be ready by 6."

With that being said I walked away. I couldn't help but smile. I never really pictured me dating my best friend. Even though everyone would always tell us how cute of a couple we make.

"Dude!" Riley squealed obviously happy.

"I knew you guys would end up together, " she squealed doing her weird happy dance.

"I knew you guys would end up together," She beamed again not getting tired of saying it.

"Oh hush up. I just agreed to be his date that doesn't mean were automatically boyfriend and girlfriend, " I murmured. 

"But what better girl then you," she beamed. In the past years I haven't really known why I couldn't picture anyone with Brandon. Could it be I might have feelings for Brandon. We have gotten pretty close but I've kept out the secret of my family because I live in shame. I can't ever reveal my family problems. I wouldn't want anyone to pity me or see me in a different way.

"Any excuse you two are late!" our teacher scowled.

"Nope!" Riley answered popping the p. Our teacher just continued his lesson and as usual I plugged in my earphones. I ignored Kyle's constant stares at me and finished my assignment twenty mintues earlier.

It starts in my soul
And I lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feeling shows
'Cause you make me smile,
Baby, just take your time
Now holdin' me tight

Wherever, wherever, wherever you go
Wherever, wherever, wherever you go

Wherever you go
I always know
'Cause you make me smile
Even just for a while

I swear this song makes me smile just because it's a great song. I'm actually looking forward to the bonfire. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm Brandon's date. Well see how things go today.

"Hey Zoella. I heard your attending my bonfire with Brandon today. Would you mind reminding him he's in charge of the wood," Dylan stated pointing a finger at me.

"Oh yeah. No problem for sure I'll remind him since im pretty he'll forget it," I smiled knowing brandon well enough. 

"He wont really remember anything unless it has to do with you," he blurted out unintentionally. 

I'm so holding that over his head. Brandon never going to hear the end of it. I think it's really cute though. Just then I was brought out of my thoughts when a girl barged into my classroom and it was no other than Myra. Myra was Brandon's girlfriend who cheated on him multiple times. She's in song pom and the schools biggest bitch not to mention biggest slut. She's Kyle's main to go girl since she's always their when he's feeling horny. I've seen many times how she throws herself at him in public. It's quite disgusting.

"Excuse me but what are you doing here!" my teacher exclaimed. She ignored him and went straight up to me.

"Back the hell away from Brandon," she demanded. The way she looked when she said it made it funny since her nostrils were flaring up.

"Who are you to tell me what to do! Clearly not his girlfriend since he dumped your sorry ass for being a slut. It's not my fault you can't keep your legs shut to every guy you see," I bit back lowly so my teacher wouldn't get mad at me for my language. Apparently everyone but him heard when a bunch of Oh's were said.

"Just stay away from him and keep one eye open cause your in for a surprise bitch," She remarked back walking away. I swear she's so scandalous.  It's True though she's no one to tell me what I can and can't do. For once im going with the flow.

Blacked out, everything's faded
On your love I’m already wasted
So close that I can taste it now... now...

So let’s break right out of these guilty cages
We’re gonna make it now...
Don’t ever turn around
Don’t ever turn around

Nobody else needs to know
Where we might go...
We could just run them red lights
We could just run them red lights

There ain’t no reason to stay
We’ll be light years away...
We could just run them red lights
We could just run them red lights

We could just run them red lights...
We could just run them red lights...

White lights, flirt in the darkness
This road leads where your heart is
These signs, something we can’t

We can’t back down
We’ll never let them change us
We’re gonna make it now
What are we waiting for...
What are we waiting for...

Nobody else needs to know
Where we might go...
We could just run them red lights
We could just run them red lights

There ain’t no reason to stay
We’ll be light years away...
We could just run them red lights
We could just run them red lights

We could just run them red lights...
We could just run them red lights...

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