Chapter 33

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Down to What?!?!

I woke up and honesty I can't ever say I feel relaxed. It's bad enough waking up to a living hell. No matter what River does will not make up what he did to me. It won't ever be the same between us and honestly what I feel is pity for him. Knowing what he's going through saddens me. His dad had been injecting him with steriods by force and he lost control of his anger with me. He didn't intend for it to happen, but I happened to be there in the moment. He's also been sexually active, but I refused to have sex so that was a reason why he had raped me. Steriods does not justify what he had done though and i have sworn to never forgive him. He also told me everything he had said should be forgotten and I'm free to talk to whoever as long as it wasn't Nathan. By that point I didn't argue with him since I just wanted to be away from him. Truth be told he scares me. Little does he know me and Nathan are talking. I miss him being my best guy friend and I just want things to be normal between us. What happened was just a drunk night and he didn't take advantage of me. I should of never overreacted like that. We're actually going to hang out later on today at a bomfire. I'm looking forward to it since Zoella's going to be there. I'm worried about her though since I heard Brandon went to a party the night they both supposibly were going to have dinner.... Or so zoella had told me. I wonder if they are okay? Sometimes Brandon can be a real ass.

"Riley... Hey babe I just- Just..." he slurred great he's Drunk-AGAIN! Things with his dad are getting worst by the looks of it. I cringed when he said babe for some reason.

"River your drunk, " I sighed stepping away from him. Even I'm smart enough to keep close to the bathroom. It's a way to escape from harms and danger. I sound extremely paranoid I know that, but would you. He's emotionally and Physically unstable.

"I don't care, but I just want to be you," he groaned after he accidentally hit his head on the door frame. I really don't want to deal with him today.

"We talked about this River," I whispered taking a cautious step inside toward the restroom. I need to be careful with River. You never know what to expect from him. He can be loving and the next moment reckless. It's hard to predict his tactics mood swings. For sure though I know what to expect if he ever does steriods again. Drunk..? Eh... not so much. Half the time he was drunk I was too so I can't really verify how he is.

"I understand Riley I'll just go pass out. Love you and yeah..." He trailed off walking away. That's it??? Well that was... umm-Shocking. A drunk River is a... chill back River? Could that even be possible. Not wanting to take any chances I locked my room door and proceeded in walking into the bathroom for my shower.

Once I was done I had some clothes laid out. As well as some make up laid out to cover my bruises that I still had. River really did leave a number on me. I just hope it's the last one ever because no man should lay a finger on a women. Technically I'm a teenage girl, but you get what I'm trying to say. River's just lucky I'm sticking around to help him out. Even though to others the situation about River and his dad might seem common, it really isn't. It's quite difficult to actually say it. I'm even surprised River even told me about it. Then again I was leaving him, but his confession and pleadings made me see how truly broken he was. In reality we are all broken in our own way, but we tend to overcome these obstacles and try to fix what was once broken. But not everyone can be fixed or saved which is the actual sad part. So why not try to lend a helping hand and reach out to those who are suffering. That's what I'm trying to do with River, but what makes it difficult is that he scares me and I am not a punching bag for him to just throw punches.

You got a text message!

I jumped a little once I heard my notification ringtone. Talk about having a mini heart attack.

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