Chapter 13

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"Brandon put me down," I scowled as Brandon picked me up when I saw him. I was about to say congrats but when I opened my mouth he pulled me in a hug and carried me. I saw Riley and River smiling at our encounter.

"Only if you promise me not to kill me," he warned making me smile.

"Brandon if you put me down I promise to not kill you today, " I said sounding calm.

"Eh. Good enough," he stated as he set me down.

"So where too Zoeandon," Riley pipped up. We all gave her confused glances which made her groan in annoyance.

"Hello! Ship names-People get with program," she scowled.

"Hmm what about Boella," River announced looking proud.

"Búeno!" Riley announced clapping her hands.

"From now on your ship name will be Boella," She stated in a proud tone.

"Kill me now," Brandon muttered making me grin.  Without hesitation I punched him on the shoulder making him yelp out in pain. He glared at me and I raised my hand in surrender.

"What? you said someone kill me," I remarked bitting my lip to prevent me from smiling.

"I said kill not hit," he countered.

"Well either way they both cause physical pain," I defended.

"This could be comedy gold," River commented.

"Whatever," Brandon sighed as he stretched his arms. I smiled as I noticed a group of friends approaching us.

"Hey guys! I must say today's game was really something-"

"Anyways We came over to invite you guys to a party as a celebration!" Emily said as Emilio glared at her for cutting him off. These two can be both a cute and annoying couple at times. When there not lovely doves their usually arguing or giving each other the silent treatment.  Not to mention Emily is the jealous type and Emilio is such a flirt.

"Maybe later well go," Brandon answered for all of us. We nodded our heads in agreement.

"Alright just know it's at Camilla's house," he commented as he walked off with his friends and Emily.


"Mmm! Johnny Rockets is no doubt the best place to drink shakes! " I answered as Brandon put an arm around my waist. I felt my stomach explode with excitement and thus the butterflies appearing again. 

"Do I make you nervous?" he questioned as his hot breath hit my neck sending shivers down my spine. He smirked as I gulped.

Keep it kool! Play it cool!

I kept repeating that in my head.

"N-no Brandon its just I just got a brain freeze for a bit," I said nonchalantly. 

Just then his phone rings cutting him off to what he was going to say.

"I'll be right back," he announces as he leaves.

"Look who just entered," Riley says bitterly as I notice it is River's Ex who is apparently trying to get back together with him. Her eyes gleam with mischief as she approaches our table.

"Hey River. Nice game today, obviously it wasn't a surprise how good at wide receiver position you are just work on your speed," she stated as she bit her lip. I looked at Riley in surprise at how jealous she was becoming. Usually she gets this possive when something is hers..... But they haven't officially made it offical yet-Unless he already asked her and she forgot to tell me. Yup, that's Riley for you, Forgetful as can be. 

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