chapter 41

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Normal camping trip

"Honestly that's disgusting," I commented wrinkling my nose at the new information Dylan told me. It really wasn't a surprise when he told me Lily got caught having sex with Carol in the girls bathroom. Some people have no respect or any decency. 

"Totally have to agree on that and by the way I heard her parents heard of the news and are placing her in a nun house," Candice snickered.

"She needs Jesus in her life," I chirped up making us laugh. I was disappointed that Riley couldn't come to this camping trip. I miss hanging out with my best friend, but lately I've been a sucky one for not having time for her.

"Hey Zoe let's go down stairs," Candice blurted out randomly. Dylan looked at us a bit skeptical, but continued to scroll through his phone. I shrugged my shoulders and followed her dowstairs.

"Let's go bring up these lemonades since I made them fresh. "

I was about to pick up the jar full of lemonade until Candice stopped me as if I was crazy.

"What happened?" I questioned her a bit shocked when she slapped my hand away.

"Uh... T-there was a-spider!" She screech making me step back from fear and accidently knocking off a glass cup. In an instant I saw Brandon appear looking worried.

"Zoella are you okay?!?" He asked a bit panicked. 

"Yeah I just accidently dropped a cup. Candice saw a spider and I got scared," I mumbled embarrassed. 

"Candice are you okay?" I heard Dylan asking Candice as she began picking up the pieces from the shattered glass.

"Y-yeah.. i - it was my fault. I s-should of-oww," She groaned as she held on to her finger that held a piece of glass in her finger. She walked with Dylan to the living room to handle her injury. The way he panic made it seem as if she had just gotten shot. It was funny, but cute at the same time.

"You had me scared babe," Brandon muttered relived once he was sure I wasn't hurt.

"She said spider and I just had a reaction, but I promise to be careful," I sighed holding on to my stomach rubbing my belly gently. I need to be careful for the sake of my child's life.

"I was so worried babe," he let out a breath I didn't even know he was holding. In an instant he carried me bridal style toward the living room. I held onto him as if my life depended on it, but only because I was already jumpy and he scared me by just carrying me.

"There are shards of glass on the floor and I don't want you to get hurt," he commented sitting me down on the couch. I looked down and noticed he still had his shoes on. I was glad to see he wasn't putting himself in any situation where he could get hurt too.

"Dylan seriously I'm okay. It was just a small cut I promise I'll live," Candice sarcastically bit out. Dylan chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. They both smiled at each other and it was  cute to see these two together. I'm glad they started dating because they are perfect for each other.

"Okay just making sure babe," he commented kissing her fimger.

"Boring," Brandon yawned and that earned him a pinch from me. Just to mess with him I scooted over to Dylan and hugged him.

"Mad props to you for bring a gentlemen unlike some-" a squeal escaped my lips once Brandon carried me on to his lap.

I playfully glared at him, but a smile broke out once I saw him sending daggers to Dylan. Candice found the whole situation funny as did i.

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