chapter 42

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Slip ups

Lies. Lies. Lies. LIES!

This is so infuriating. When will they ever tell me the truth. I can't fucken believe them or trust them!

" Nathan open this door!" She yelled hoping I would. Her voice sounded so desparate, but then again she's such a great actress.

"Nathan please hear us out," Tessa pleaded.

"Go away and take her with you!" I yelled plugging in my earphones. I went on my laptop resuming my conversation with Mayra.

Yeah things aren't getting better and Kyle reaches out to me, but I want nothing to do with him. I'm serious about changing and bettering myself. Thank you for not being judgemental and helping me see i am worthy.

Just be careful with him, we know what he's capable and don't thank me. You should be thanking yourself and you have every right to be proud of yourself. I can't take credit for something your doing by yourself all I'm doing is supporting you in them. How about we go eat some chinese. I'll buy

Sounds like a plan! :)

I grabbed a jacket and my converse. I washed my face since Tessa had gotten her lipstick on my cheek when she attempted to kiss my lips. I had already showered this morning so I didn't see the point in showering again. I'm a clean person I guess. I opened my window and snuck out through there. I walked toward my car and once I was in i drove off. So tired of being in my house and I know Mayra doesn't like being in her house after everything that's happening.


"Oh my god! I've been craving Chinese food like crazy!" Mayra squealed in emlughtment. I hummed in agreement and we began talking about pointless things which were really funny and good topics, but nonetheless they were pointless. It's nice to hang out with someone like Mayra. She's a decent and very humble girl. Many people don't see that in her, but that's because they don't know the truth or what battles she's fighting. Her worst enemy is herself and people don't see how much she's hurting. It's nice to see the real Mayra not just that girl who pretends to be something people sought her to be. Yeah being a bitch and acting like a slut isn't the look or style to pick up, but it was kind of those things where people say "If people think I'm a slut, I'll show them how slutty I can be"

Her smile remained on her face until she looked across the room. Her smile faded and I turned to see who or what was the cause of her reaction. In came Kyle and River, but what surprised me was that Riley was here too. Her face remained emotionless and she wore River's sweater with some black jeans. Her hair was pulled up in a pony tail and she held onto River's hand. She's changed a lot and I don't reconize her anymore.

"Maybe we should leave," Mayra blurted out lowly as she picked around her orange chicken with her plastic fork.

For her sake I agreed and went to go ask for a bag. River was with Riley looking at the menu and she was agreeing with everything that he said. I found it weird that she even agreed on everything since half the stuff he was saying was stuff she hates. I remember coming here with Riley five times. I walked back to My table and noticed Mayra wasn't there. I looked around confused thinking she went to the bathroom. I noticed an elderly lady pointing outside and looking at me worriedly. CRAP!

I put out food in the platic bag and walked outside.

"You know you'll eventually come back to me - you always do and then you let me fuck you over and over!" He growled making her flinch as she tried to break free from his grasp.

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