Chapter 4

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More treats




"No seriously brad! put me down," I squealed as Brandon Carried me bridal style for the rest of the walk. We heard someone earlier stated how cute of a couple we make. I was about to correct them when Brandon thanked them. I gave him the look that said 'What-the-fuck?'

He just shrugged it off and continued to ignore my complaints. I finally stopped complaining after he bribed me with ice cream. What can I say, Ice cream is something I love.

"Brad, where are we?" I asked looking at our surroundings.

"I have ice cream at my house remember this is the way to my house," He stated in a matter of fact. I stuck my tounge out at him and noticed everything had changed from the time I had come here. Then again I havent been to his house for nearly five months.

"Brandon! Put Zoella down and come help me with the groceries, " Carolyn demanded. He muttered a Yes Ma'm and I was able to touch the floor once again.

"Hi Carole! Haven't seen you in a long while," I commented hugging Brandon's mom. This women was like my second mother, first being Ms. Marks of course.

"Hello darling it's been to long since you last came, its a bummer too because I had made your favourite, " She taunted me knowing how much I love spaghetti. I know its not a big deal but everyone has their own recipes on how to make their own spaghetti and by far Brandon's mom makes the best.

"I blame Brandon! He always wanted spaghetti all to himself," accusing brandon was my excuse even though I knew it was my mom who prevented me from coming over. As a result making me miss Carolyn's Amazing spaghetti. Its funny though because every time im always blaming Brandon.

"Likely story and just because I love you I'm making Spaghetti again only this time Brandon won't get any because he needs to learn to stop being selfish," She announced fighting the urge to laugh as I was when Brandon's face dropped.

I couldn't hold it in and bursted into fits of laughter and Carolyn followed along.

"That's not funny mom," Brandon scowled walking to the fridge grabbing a bucket of ice cream. He's a sneaky boy since he knows we can't have dessert until we've eaten food. He sprinted up the stairs and I followed along.

"Dinner will be served at six," Carolyn yelled. I entered Brandon's room and plopped myself on his bean bag chair.

"Pass the ice cream Brad," I demanded craving Vanilla ice cream.

"Alright and wanna watch Zombie Land while we wait for the food?" I nodded my head excited to watch it. By far im in love with Zombie Land because it's funny and amusing to watch it.

As i was watching the movie I noticed Brandon on his phone smiling like an idiot. I ignore my curiosity to who it could be and continue to watch my movie. His phone kept buzzing irritating the hell out of me.

"Put it on Silent," I snapped grabbing the tube of ice cream and putting a scoop full of it in my mouth. He mumbled a sorry and for the rest of the movie I didnt hear it buzzing but I knew he was still texting that person.

Who Could it be? 'Why do you care!' my mind scowled. I dont, gosh shut up! Im just saying. Whatevers. I hate how curious I get but hey im just hoping Brandon Mets a girl who won't hurt him. Truth be told I care about him and the last girl that had him falling for her played him like a mix tape . I live brandon to death-as a friend though but he could be an idiot sometimes. As of right now im feeling highly irritated because i hate it when people have their phones on vibrate or full on volume when theres a good movie playing.

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