Chapter 19

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Truth be told

"Stupid why would you think that," Candice scowled at me as  she fixed up the drawing we were doing for science. It's funny how much she's changed but it has been three months since she and Dylan have been going out. He's really changed her but for the good just like Zoella changed me. We've also been dating for two months now and the best part is Kyle hasn't been giving us problems. Even Myra hasn't done anything but I feel as if its a matter of time before something happens.

"Well if we need to draw something that relates to sodium why not draw french fries," Dylan defended. Candice shot him a glare and then Dylan's stomach growled as did mine. Okay maybe were just hungry. Candice shook her head and laughed at our shame.

"In our defense we were hungry but our hunger gave us an idea to draw in something that relates to Sodium," I countered as Dylan nodded his head in agreement. She rolled her eyes but I can tell she agreed with it too. Why wouldn't she? If I can say it was a smart move to do. The bell rung and I gathered my stuff before I headed out. I walked  toward the lunch line but took my time since I had to make a quick stop at my locker. There was a note sticking out of locker. Werid. I grabbed the note and opened it.

To Brandon ♥

Met me at by the girls locker room babe

~Zoe Bo

I smiled at the nickname I gave her. She thought it was funny but liked it. I put the note in my pocket and opened my locker. It's weird that I actually haven't seen her today but I know I'll see her later on. As long as I atleast talk to her I'll be able to sleep alright. I can't help but worry about her since that night two months ago. Once she fell back to sleep I woke up somewhere in the middle of the night and she wimpered. One thing she kept repeating was "Im sorry I'm not what you wanted me to be" I'm not use to seeing this Side of Zoella since I've never seen her look pained and this was just seeing her sleeping. I can't imagine ever seeing her break down but we all have secrets that we prefer not to talk about.

"Brandon! Dude!" Riley shouted as she punched my shoulder.

"Whaa.." I quickly said as I faced an annoyed Riley.

"Have you seen Zoella?" She asked as she looked kind of worried?

"No why? What's wrong?" I asked as she fiddled with her hands.

"I wanted to talk to her about something," She admitted. 

"Riley I was-Oh hey Brandon what's up?" Nathan chimed as we did the manly hug.

"Nothing much just chit chatting with Riley. "

"Yea well I gotta go-"

"Riley what about-"

"Nathan we'll talk about it tomorrow," she snapped before she walked away. Wow she seems to be in such a good mood. Ha! not. I raised an eyebrow at him and he just shrugged as if he was confused too.

"We have a project to do for this whole final semester and it's to make a poetry book with a bunch of things listed," he stated.

"So i heard someone's birthday is coming up," he announced making me groan.

"Yea it is. I heard it's Kermit' s Birthday."

Nathan laughed at my statement and we sat down.

"Whatever you say green muppet-anyways you ready for the upcoming Hells week," he announced. I took a sip of my milk and shrugged my shoulders since I really didn't mind it. I mean yeah it's pretty tough but it helps me become a better quaterback and I even learn more with the new strategies I pick up on the way.

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