Chapter 25

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Damn Brandon was my ride but he left to go check if Zoella was alright. I hope she is because I'm worried. I'll just send her a quick text to see if she's alright-yeah that's what I'll do.

"Riley... is that you," I heard River say. I turned and smiled at him. He came.

"You actually came," I blurted out happy that he did.

"Yeah I came because you asked me too," he admitted. He is such a great guy and not to mention hot. In front of his friends he's this cocky guy, but with me he's just Rivers. I went on my tippy toes and kissed him.

"Now for the moment you guys have been waiting for," the announcer spoke in the microphone. I pulled away and turned to look at the stage. Hopefully our school wins.

"The bears! !!!!" He roared in a victory call. Most of the students came here to support our dance team. So it wasn't much of a shock that a bunch of people cheered and whistled. I saw Tessa cheering with her teammates. Some which were shocked and others began to tear up. She waved at someone to come up to the stage as did the other girls. Next thing you know people from our school joined the girls but one person caught my attention. Tessa had actually called Nathan up on stage. She wrapped her arms around him and he carried her up. I got this irritating feeling in the pit of my stomach but I chose to ignore it. Just like I chose to erase Nathan out of my life.

"Babe my friend texted me about some party Laurens throwing," River stated bluntly. I turned and noticed he was scrolling through his facebook fees. I'm suppose to study, but a party seems like a better choice of spending my night.

"You wanna go?" he asked putting his phone away.

"Of course," I beamed as we walked out of the building hand in hand. I'm confused, but I shouldn't be. I really should just forget my mistakes and pretend like it never happened. River is trying to get through this whole thing of my semi confession. I didn't lie but things happen for a reason and now we're living together. I was positive it was the right thing to do. Plus my parents don't care since their arguments are more important. I grabbed my phone and noticed Zoella had texted me back.

From: Zoe

Hey this is brandon and she's alright. Her parents needed her to come home and either way she was a bit dehydrated. She's alright ~B+Z ♥

Awww how cute that Zoella has her phone automatically say B+Z ♥

Mine actually is the same but it's Double R<~~♡

I really liked the sound of it.

Looking up I noticed we were here already. Good thing I'm dressed for a party.

"I'm a go talk to my boys," River told me right before he vanished into the crowd. I saw some of my friends and began talking with them. They had a lot of good songs playing. I decided to steer clear of the beer since I didn't trust myself with it anymore. It's more fun being sober since I will actually remember tonight.

"Dude your shirt is so cute," A girl squealed catching my attention. She was a bit tipsy but didn't look waisted. I thought she was joking since I didn't like my shirt. I only wore it cause Zoella bought it to me and the flowy shirts aren't my type. I wore my jacket to try and fit it to my taste. Apparently the shirt by itself is cute enough since I took off my jacket.

"Really? I thought it didn't look good on me to be honest," I admitted. She shook her head and gave me the thumbs up. I laughed at the sight since she was so adorable. We began chatting a bit till she actually had to go home. I barely realized I'm more social now then I've ever been. Someone bumped into me and I groan mentally when I noticed the messy hair.

"Oh I'm sorry," he said and didn't spare me a glance. In a way I hoped he would look at me, but he kept his word of never bothering me again. He doesn't joke with me, he doesn't spare me a glance, and he doesn't even sit near me. This is the first time since Brandon's party that he's bumped into me. My mouth opened but I quickly closed it. It's not like I have to say anything back to him. Tessa was here too but went to dance with some of her friends. I walked into the kitchen to grab a coke. I was shocked when I saw Myra and Nathan together. They were in the kitchen table sitting there and just talking. I couldn't really hear due to the music blaring, but she looked genuinely happy. Come to think about it she's never once looked like that. Her smile right now looks different then any other smile. Weird how I'm noticing that. Maybe there's a lot to her that I don't know.

I walked out of the kitchen with my coke and saw River outside with his friends. He looked at me and said his goodbye before making his way over to me.

"Hey babe," He slurred. Oh great drunk river-actually not really. He seems a bit tipsy but he's alright.

"Miss you," I cooed pecking his lips. He pulled me into another one after I pulled away for air. His arms were wrapped around me and we made out some more outside. For some weird reason I felt as if someone was watching. Creeps! They can stare for all I care! Ugh I hate perverts.

"River's let go home," I whined feeling my feet ache. He didn't argue and agreed. We walked inside and were making our way out when all of a sudden Nathan bumped into River.

"Mind were your going," Mayra bit out glaring at River. What the fuck! He's the one who bumped into River.

"Fuck off slut! He's the one who bumped into him," I growled feeling angry out of nowhere. I get so defensive over what's mine.

"Myra be the biggest person," Nathan stated sternly. Myra blew some air out and turned to Nathan.

"Next time control your bitch," River spat out. That sure caught Nathan's attention.

"What's your fucken problem," He roared standing face to face with River. Fuck! I seriously don't want there to be another fucken fight!

"You are! What you gonna do about it-" River didnt get to finish his sentence when Nathan rammed his fist into River's face. I reacted fast and shoved Nathan away. All the anger I felt toward him exploded. He has no fucken right to be hitting my boyfriend and he also had no right to take advantage of me!

"Fuck off!" I yelled shoving Nathan again. Myra held Nathan up so he wouldn't fall and made her way toward me.

"Leave him alone!," she snapped. Now we had a crowd.

"Oh let me guess another fuck buddy! How many would that make-Don't tell me you've already hit three digits. Wow. Congratulations for being a fucken slut who sleeps with any guy," I said in a cheery and sacarastic tone.

"Riley enough!" Nathan mumbled. Of course he would defend her. There both the same.

"As if you were any different. Take your infected white trash and please deposit of it-who knows the type of toxins she has," I mocked making people crack up. He looked at me so disappointed but I didn't give a fuck. River stood up and punched Nathan back. They began fighting and Myra pulled my hair. Bitch doesn't know what she's asking for. I punched her straight in the face and flipped her over causing the table to crack. Tessa came and looked shocked.

"Oh my god River get off of Nathan," she scowled. She pulled on River's shirt.

"It was Nathan's fault so don't start pointing fingers at River!" I yelled as I got her hands off of River.

"Well if he didn't blow things out of proportion-"

"Maybe if you shut the fuck up I might consider not kicking your ass!" I snapped tired of her talking.

"Fuck you," she spat. I shoved her causing her to fall off. I got on top of her and began throwing punch after punch. I got off when someone held me back. I took deep breathes and forced myself to calm down. I turned only to come face to face with river. He smiled at me and we left the party.

"We did good babe," he joked making me laugh. This was a great way for me to blow some frustration out. I'm glad i have River by my Side.

"I'm a go by McDonald's drive by so we can eat at home and watch some Nextflix, " he pipped up making me smile.

"I would love that," I beamed wincing a little since Tessa got a good punch on my cheek. Stupid bitch! Eh. Im okay since I left her worst.

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