Chapter 12

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Game time

"Let's go Bears!" Everyone chanted as the football game started. I was excited to see this game because we were playing our rivals. The bears verses the armidillos, the stadium is literally full. I also recognized some people from the other school because we use to hang out. I would move schools often and it was easy making friends for me. I smiled when I saw Peter, he was my gay best friend and boy did we go way back.

"Hey darling long time no see!" he squealed crushing me in a bear hug.

"C-can't B-breathe.. Pete," I blurted out. He immediately let me go and kept looking behind me. I laughed knowing what-specifically who he was looking for.

"Brandon's not here dummies he's getting ready," I sighed dramatically mocking Pete for a bit.

"Oh dear my beau isn't here to get his good luck kiss," he teased making me roll my eyes.

"We're not dating officially," I stated in a matter of fact.

"Oh honey I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about me-wait-wait-so your confirming there is something-ohhh girl I want details ASAP!" I groaned only to get smacked in the forehead lightly by Peter.

"What was that for," I asked laughing a bit.

"Oh it's cause um I think your laugh is annoying?" The way he said it made me feel like he was up to something. Just then my eyes were covered. 

" I hate this guessing game, " I whined grabbing on the hands and trying to pull then away. I struggled and never managed to pull them away.

"Umm.. Riley ," I guessed randomly. If it was her then damn this girl has big ass hands and hairy one too. Wait this isn't Riley at all how stupid am I to even think this was riley.

"Really Zoella. Unbelievable you think I have man hands like Brandon your so unb- Oops," riley blurted out making brandon groan.

"Seriously Riley, " Brandon scowled. I couldn't help but smile. I would of never really guessed it was brandon because last time he came to see me he got in trouble with his coach. Something about not wondering off before the game was a disrespect or something. The coach is a total nut case but hey I can't complain much because he's one of the greatest high school coach and college.

"I know it's you brandon so can you please take you hands off before I snap them thus ending your football career," I retorted making his hands disappear quickly.

"Not my baby," I heard peter say as he held onto brandon. Brandon held on to peter like a little kid would to his parent when he's meeting a stranger.

"Peter that mean old lady is being violent to me," Brandon complained. I raised my fist and peter stood in front of Brandon making me crack up.

"Seriously brandon. Oh gosh you guys are such weirdos."

They both shrugged their shoulders and nuggied my head making me frown.

"Anyways I came to see you before I played," he said smiling at me as he put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I'm glad I did and don't worry about my coach he won't get mad because  he's talking to Lucas who use to play in this school and used to play in the NFL," he stated ruffling up my hair again. I shot daggers at him and that made him stop.

"Well go on before they notice you left," I said shooing him away.

"Alright later Zoe ," he winked as he pecked my cheek. My heart made back flips and my stomach felt like exploding because his lips touched the side of my lips. He even froze and we stared at eachother and a smile tugged on my lips. Our eyes never looked away and it felt nice to be honest.

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