chapter 39

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Brandon pov

I could not believe what I had just witnessed. Who is that man?  I can not believe he had slapped Zoella. I will not let any on hurt my Girlfriend and my baby. After Zoella finally managed to fall asleep I gently slipped away. I needed to know who was that man. As I approached the last steps I heard constant arguing.

"She deserves it for getting knocked up!" He roared.

" Are you kidding me!?! How dare you slap Zoella!" I yelled angrily at the man who stood their surprised to see me. I approached him and he looked at me as if I were a nothing.

"I can't believe she fell for this playboy," he bit out angrily. On top of hitting my love he insults me!

"How about you shut up before I make you," I snapped shoving him.

"Brandon stop it and YOU don't go off trying to insult my son because he is decent!" My mother remarked getting in between us. Lucas came in between to and gave me a stern look. I mumbled some incoherent words under my breath and took a step back.

" Roger this is not what I meant when I said try to get into Zoella's life!  You are seriously unbelievable and as of right now I never want to see you. You are not the man I know," Ms. marks hissed and walked up to see Zoella. Oh so his name's Roger.

"Hailey... she's not even my real daughter, " he roared walking toward the door. Really?!?! Yet this man has the nerve to lay a hand on her!

"What type of a man lays a finger on a women," I blurted out in disgust.

"Don't you try to judge me-"

"Oh but I am and unlike you I'm looking out for the ones that I love."

He gave a humorless laugh and shook his head at me.

"Funny how you talk about being a man when your own father couldn't be one. Then again the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.," he breathed out and left. How does he... what?

"Brandon sit down we need to talk," My mom said in a whisper.  Lucas sat near her and held her Hand.

"That man was your dad's best friend and he knows about your dad running away. Him and Ms. Marks use to date until Zoella's mom got in the way."

Woah. This seriously seems to be one of those clique movies where three people are stuck in a love triangle. 

" So you all knew each other? " I asked curious. Hmm

" Yes i even knew Lucas but at the time he was with every girl," she mumbled shotting him a glare. I hope Zoella doesn't bring up my old ways at that age.

"Oh please you were with Brad and everytime we saw eachother you would insult me-"

"If you wouldn't be banging every girl in the bathrooms when I had to go in maybe I wouldn't have to give you a piece of my mind. For god sake you tainted those bathrooms with who knows how many diseases-"

"But you still loved me overall," he cooed pecking her nose. She rolled her eyes but cracked a smile.

"Back to the point," I urged not wanting to see their display of romance.

"That was pretty much it and my guess was he is Zoella's Dad," she stated and I realized at that moment that I had not made a good impression on him. But he had it coming since he just slapped her and should not lay a finger on her.

"I'm going upstairs to check on Zoella," I blurted out and left. There really wasn't anything to talk about. Once I reached the top stairs I stopped once I saw Ms. Marks and Zoella sleeping peacefully.

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