Chapter 53

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All ours

"Babe I think we should cuddle-"

"Lily... you know all I'm here for is just sex. I'm not your boyfriend and your not my girlfriend. Stop talking non sense," I stated getting up and putting on my boxers.

"Right. You know the way out," She coldly stated covering herself in her duets. I knew she was fragile but refused to show any emotion so just to mess with her i said something.

"You know everyday I leave unsatisfied. I think your loosing your touch," I commented and finsished getting dress. I jumped out her window and walked around the corner. Once I found my car I drove off to rivers house. I was knocking at rivers house for a good five minutes until a tired looking Riley opened up. I still can't belive how incredibly hot Riley got. Before she was chunky and had the stupid Dora the explora bangs. But now... now she looks banging. She was rubbing her eyes obviously trying to wake up.

"River's not here," She stated bluntly.

"Maybe I came here for you-"

"Then you should leave."

"Woah babe why the attitude," I nonchalantly stated smirking at her. I can tell she fears river and I know why. I'm not an idiot I know what steriods does to a person so I thought she would be tamed.

"Don't call me that and leave-"

"I know you wouldn't want me to," I state with confidence. Usually I would want to get something out of this but right now I'm just messing with her.

"Kyle? What's up - why are you here I haven't made any recent purchases?" I heard River say.

"Just bored and decided why not pay my good friend river a visit," I casually said. Me and River aren't the best of friends but we're on good terms.

"You know you could stay on the other side of this house I have a little house there," he stated in case I slept over again. I know that because we had already talked about that. I already took him on his offer but I guess my memory is shaken up.

"Yeah, wanna smoke a blunt?" I offer sitting down once river let's me in. He tells Riley to go back to bed and takes me up on the offer.

"Can you believe how many chicks in our school are pregnant," I laugh taking another hit of my blunt.

"Yeah especially zoella- damn it sucks for brandon he won't be able to hit that while there is a bun in the over," River mutters.

"I heard pregnant girls get wild while having sex," I point out.

"Why are you into zoella- I'll admit she's fine but there are other girls, " River comments. I honestly don't know what it is that drives me nuts for her. I just want her but as mine. The way she smiles and I can tell we could be perfect together. I want to feel her body with mine and always have mind blowing sex with her. Let me just tell you I always get what I want.

"Yeah but I want what I can't get and what I can't get.... eventually becomes something I can get. I always get my way," I state with a smirk plastered on my face. My tone sounds menacing with promise and I know that. But im yet to be understand, because you never know what to expect from me. Just then rivers phone starts ringing and so does mine.


"Honey what time are you-"

"Penelope I told you I do what I want and tell Harold his shipment came in. It's in his closet-"

"Why can't you call me mom," I heard her sigh.

"Because you lost that privilege the moment you dared lay a hand on me. Don't forget what happened when I was little. You sick bitch but be glad I haven't sent you to jail," I harshly bit out. I just remind her to make her feel miserable. I have control now and I do what I want.


I woke up due to my phone ringing. I groaned and was ready to cuss at who ever was calling me until I saw who it was.

"I have her," those three words made me smile. I have you now zoella. Your all mine.

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