Chapter 26

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Just a normal day

A month later....

"Brandon I'm okay I promise!" I groaned stubbornly. Lately I've been feeling a bit noxious. My head was hurting and bickering with brandon was not helping. My head hurts and this stomach ache was just making it worst. I've been eating healthy, but apparently that's not good enough.

"Fine I'll walk," I snapped grabbing my backpack. I began speed walking until brandon caught up with me and held me in place.

"Woah. Zoella chill I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I won't bother you," he sighed. I felt awful honestly, but I'm just cranky. I haven't been able to sleep and I'm actually going to the doctors later on with Brandon.

"I'm sorry Brad," I breathed out walking toward his car. We drove off to school and brandon told me to sleep. I closed my eyes and feel asleep. I was really that tired. I woke up and opened my eyes.

"Brandon why does our school look weird," I joked rubbing my eyes.

"Zoella we are at the doctors," he announced.

"Thank you," I breathed out and dashed out of the car, vomiting in a nearby trash can.


"Well Zoella just try to watch what you eat. We'll send you the results-"

"Why can't you tell us now about the results, is she alright, " Brandon asked in a worried tone. Seeing him worried made me a little scared. I was trying to remain calm but we could throw that feeling out the window now thanks to Brandon.

"You have to understand that we've been awfully busy with kids getting sick with the tb. Please try to understand," he reasoned. 

"Plus the worst that it can be I would say is the stomach flu."

We thanked him and left. Honestly this doctor and his staff were so disorganized. We noticed a bunch of papers everywhere and I wasn't surprised to know this place was loosing most of it's regular people.

"We'll go to a doctor's next time," he stated. It would of been easier to just ask Caroyln but I don't want to worry her. Not even Ms. Marks know about my recent change in attitude. Then again I never snap at her since brandon has to deal with that side of me.

"It's alright let's just get to our asses to school before fourth period," I grumbled not wanting to go.

"Or... we could go home and watch some twilight. Maybe grab some-"

"In N Out!" I chimed in feeling my mood building up. I really don't want to go to school.


"Team Jacob," I argued sitting criss cross apple sauce across from Brandon.

"Team Edward," he huffed and looked amuse about seeing me rile up. It's cause Jacob is so hot!

"He's hot and looks amazing," I listed.

"Edward's a vampire thus being more cooler and he doesn't smell like a wet dog-"

"Atleast Jacob doesn't sparkle like a little bitch."

Brandon opened his mouth to say something but looked dumbfounded. I totally won this agruement. I did my victory dance making a complete fool of myself but that doesn't matter since I won the arguement. Who's right? Zoella!  Not Brandon-but Zoella!

He laughed at my ridiculous dance and pulled me into a hug.

"Maybe we should go to bed," he yawned a bit worn out. I didn't argue since I felt sleepy all of a sudden.

"Kay babe," I chimed skipping toward the stairs. I stopped skipping since I had to walk up the stairs.

"Brandon..." I trailed off.

"What happened?" he asked behind me. I smiled and realized I had nothing to say. I just wanted to hear his voice.

"Oh just making sure you were starring at my butt," I joked but hoping he really wasn't. We neared his room and before I can enter, Brandon scooped me up and Carried me bridal style. I squeal escaped my lips, but I really wasn't expecting him to carry me without warning. I playfully smacked his chest.

"You scared me," I pouted crossing my arms. Yup I'm very mature.

"Psh. You love it when I carry you," he scoffed smirking down at me.

"Especially when I'm shirtless," he added. I hid my face in his chest so he wouldn't see me blushing. Once we laid in bed I fell asleep.  Everything has actually been going good except for this stomach ache, but beside that nothing bad has come our way.

Only that of course didn't last long....

Sorry for the short chapter but this connects with the upcoming chapter so please don't hate me (/.\)

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