Chapter 46

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Pain. Pain. Pain is all I ever felt but nothing compared to this. I guess life truly is full of surprises,  just when you think your use to the feeling you find out it's never the same.

Slowly I opened my eyes and thank goodness the lights were dim. My vision cleared and I was able to focus around my surroundings. Unable to register me Mery of earlier events I groaned. I tried to get up, but I was overwhelmed by so my pain that I shrieked.

"Zoella what's wrong," I heard brandon panick trying to see if I've been hurt.

"Why does my stomach hurt," I sobbed taking deep breathes.

"You were hurt baby-lily... she kicked your stomach," he finished off saying. I noticed his fist clenching and I knew he was angered. 

"I tried to stop the fight it's my fault brandon- I'm sorry," a sob broke out not letting me say more.

"Babe... try to calm down," he murmured kissing my forehead. I felt my nerves calming down and my breath steading.

"H - how is the baby," I studdered scared to even ask that. I have to know though.

"Our child is in serious condition... she/he might not make it," he stated sadly.
Oh god how awful-wait...

"might not make it" I shouted in disbelief.  He gave me a weak smile but overall it was a sadly look and nodded his head.

"Yeah your going to have to be extra careful- I'm going to be even more protective," he confirmed. I didn't even bother to object since I had tears streaming down my face.

"I.... i just hope our child is okay," I chocked out.  I don't want to loose my child even though I'm not even remotely ready, but I love my child already.

"I do too Zoe Bo," he sighed running a hand through his hair. He does that when he's stressed. I hate the fact that he's so in distress but I'm suffering too. We're both suffering parents right now.

"I'm sorry Zoe for everything I put you through-"

"Don't. Brandon we both have faults," I stated.

"What's your fault that you've done because you haven't done nothing wrong," he bit out.

"Remember I had fault in not telling you earlier about my pregnancy. "

He gave a humorless laugh.

"You had every reason too! God zoella I think i bring you misfortune-"

"This whole time I was raised into believing I was a mistake-misfortune- even a tragic to my parents lives," I spat.

"I know that now and you should realize you haven't  brought nothing but joy to my life," I blurted out in exhaustion.
Why can't he see that?!?!

"Babe, we should make a pack," I chimed up for some reason.

"Like what?" He asked clearly exhausted too.

"Let's promise to never keep secrets from each other. Starting now if you have something to say that your keep away from me tell me it now. I promise not to keep anything away from you anymore. Like for example your dog didn't runaway i... i accidently opened the gate-"

"Toodles!" He hollered I'm horror.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think he would get run over," I defensively countered. He blew out a harsh breath but recomposed himself.

"Okay. That was huge," he replied. I looked at him motioning him to say something. He gave a side smile knowing he was just stalling time.

"Umm... remember this year when I was trying to woo you.... well um... i fell into temptation and slept with four girls including lily - which is why she's on my nuts constantly," he lowly stated. My mouth fell open in shock.

This little manwhore

"Honesty is the best policy but hurts," he blurted out.

"Okay that was huge," I mimicked his previous words.

"I promise no more.. secrets from now on," he loudly stated putting up his hand. I giggled at his actions. Just then I felt a pain on my stomach. I heard the machine beeping like crazy.

"Oh god," I cried out. I yelled in pain some more until some nurses came in.

"Babe! What's going on!" Brandon questioned. He had teary eyes and looked scared. 

"What's wrong doctor," he asked in desparation. I wanted to yell the same thing but the pain was so immense that it left me speechless. My eyes started getting heavier as i noticed the nurse injection something. The last image I saw was brandon looking so vulnerable and scared.

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