Chapter 36

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What is happening? I don't understand?

"Zoella I'm sorry... I should of been specific-what I was trying to tell you is it's about brandon. He's not well," He spoke making me worry.

"I know your pregnant and the only reason I know that is because I think Brandon was drugged. He asked me for help."

Wait-What! Brandon asked his dad for help. I wonder how serious the problem was?

"Is he okay though," I blurted out in an instance.

"He is, but he's under the care of his mom. Look we both know I'm not a good parent, but I'm trying to make it up-"

"Why did you abandon them?" I asked curiously.  Maybe their is something similar that I'm missing here.

"I freaked out and I didn't want to give up my youth. I wanted to still do my own thing. Plus I thought they would be better off without me. I was going through a struggle with my parents and they talked me out of raising a child with Carole."

Wow. That's sad and it really sucks. 

"Brandon freaked out too," I commented feeling my mood drop. I can't forget how his facial expression dropped when I told him the news.

"I know. He came and talked to me that night. He demanded to know why I left them. Then he told me he found himself in the same situation since he got you pregnant. The only difference- and I pointed it out to is... You guys have me, Lucas, and Carole. Of course your parents too," he added smiling at me. Parents. Oh shit they still don't know.

"Yeah," I bit out feeling the warm drain out of my body. Oh god I don't know what they will say. No. No. No-they can't find out. I can already remember what my mom told me years ago.

~~~ 6 Years ago~~~

"Mom stop," I pleaded softly hoping she would get tired. It wasn't my fault. I am innocent!

"You want to go whore around with these boys-Not on my watch!" she yelled whipping me once more. She yawned and kicked me before she left. Of course she misread the whole thing. A boy named Kenny kissed me by force. He held me down just for a peck but I punched him in the face. Now what he told the teachers was that I punched him because he wouldn't give me another kiss and that I had forced him to kiss me. Every kid knew he was lying, but no one dared say a word. For some reason everyone feared him. After laying their for an hour my mom yelled my name telling me it was dinner. It was the same old meal. Beans and veggies. Yum.....?

Yeah I know I'm not really fond of it.

"Be glad your not pregnant because I will personally make you abort that little shit. If you refuse I will beat you up and kill it myself," she snarled. Minutes later my dad walked in late drunk while singing some catchy tone. I've never seen him like that my mom left to the room and he followed her. I was left to clean up and finish my plate.


I have not forgotten those words. I fear for my baby. One thing for sure is she will never hurt my baby.

"and that's why I'm supporting you guys, "  Brad finished. I need to stop spacing out.

"I thought Brandon hates you-"

"He does... he just told me that since he was drugged and when he went to go see me he collapsed when I was trying to explain myself. I layed him on the couch and called his mom. He started mumbling your name and told me he got you pregnant. He also kept calling himself names for freaking out that night and leaving you. He told me he cried that night. "

I didn't know what to say. Brandon cried? Was it because he thought his life was over or was it really because he felt bad?

"Brad I really don't know what to-"

"Then don't say anything. Go to him," He encouraged. I felt hesitated on whether i should. What if he doesn't want to see me. Usually it would be the girl not wanting to see the guy, but I'm not stubborn like that. Yeah I'm still hurt, but we're all going through something and some of us are fighting our own demons inside. I took a deep breath and grabbed out my phone.

"Don't call.. just go," he insisted giving me a small smile. I nodded my head and stood up.

"I'll give you a ride," he said standing up. He paid for his coffee and my tea. I didn't even notice the tea until he paid for it. This guy isn't so bad, but I'm no one to judge him. I just wish Roger treated me atleast with a little kindness.

Hailey (Ms. Marks) Pov

***Once Zoella left***

I starred at Roger for a while still shocked at how much he's changed. This isn't the Roger I once knew and fell in love with. How can he be so cold to her-What has she ever done to him! This is just unbelievable.  A child has no fault for what has happened and he shouldn't blame her for anything!

"Don't give me that look I apologized," he mummbled trying to walk away. A grabbed his arm which he shook away and glared at me. He is not about to walk away from this.

"Are you serious?!?! What was that about-You could of atleast been sincere with her-Even I could see the type of bullshit you were trying to use there," I snarled feeling defensive on how Zoella's expression changed when Roger was Apologizing to her. I can't believe he was drunk! We had this talk about being sober from now on.

"How can I apologize to her when I don't care for her!" he exclaimed exhausted.

"So you never felt a tad bad for her when That women would beat her up. Who are you!" I asked appalled and outraged. "Zoella has never really had anyone in her life that's cared about her, but she does now."

"Why do you care for her?" he asked looking at me tired I took his appearance in and noticed how tired he looked. His hair was a mess and he had bags under his eyes.

"Because she has a pure heart and no matter what, she never seems to give up on anyone. I believe she will make a difference and I'm their to support her. Plus I feel this special connection toward her. I can't really explain it.." I honestly don't it's like an instant thing that I want to do. I want to protect her.

"Hailey... I just... We're barely trying to amend what once was and she reminds me of the reason  why we had to break up. Do you know how hard it was? I couldn't stop thinking about you... until she came I forgot about you and once I realized she wasn't mine I was angry. How can I care for someone who isn't mine-"

"That's how we even started! I was dating Phill and you still cared for me. Are you trying to say you only pretended to get me in bed-"

"No! I would never..." He trailed off putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"She has no fault in anything. You should be angry at Her, not Zoella," I sighed biting my lip as it trembled. I feel awful for Zoella and it saddens me how pained she looked. I'm even crying just by thinking I couldn't do anything. Zoella is a really strong girl and I admire her.

"I know..." he commented and walked away.

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