Chapter 61

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Slipping away




Five months later...

My eyes managed to maintain open as i stared at the clock. If it was possible I would bend time and make this whole day go faster so I could go home to my kids. I love them with all my heart and I know brandon adores them too. We truly look like a happy family... yeah.

"Hey Zoe are you coming to Ericsson's party?" I heard someone say. Breaking my concentration on the clock I turned and looked at kimberly.

"No I really don't feel up to partying." I wasn't lying when I said that. What's so good about parties especially these football players.

"Bummer hearing how brandon said he was going I thought you would," she sighed.  Wait brandons going? I'm pretty sure he'll tell me his reason. Great now I sound like a mom.... oh wait I am. Zoella get your shit together.

"No I'm the stay at home mom," I joked. She gave me a friendly smile and shook her head.

"Mother hood does look good on you. Not to mention your boobs grew big time. They seem like a D cup now," She gasped.

"I know right but now they seem to bother me," I groaned looking at my boobs. Seriously I was fine with normal size boobs.

"I bet brandon isn't complaining," she giggled.  Okay now I know I'm blushing. 

"Shut up," I mumbled putting my head on the table. The rest of the class actually passed by fast. Even though it's been five months, the start of junior year, everyone seems amazed at how skinny I am and how much I changed. Oh and how big my boobs got.

"Hey babe," I heard brandon say. Okay I'm not going to make a big deal about it.

"Hey babe!" I chimed up pecking his lips.

"Ready to go home."

"Yeah we're well relax and stay in," i sighed smiling sweetly at him.

"Yeah that sounds like something I need," he responded. Wait what. Maybe he's not going and she heard wrong.


I opened my eyes and noticed the blanket covering me. A small smile made its way on my lips as the movie credits played. I can't believe I doze off watching a movie. Still it was the best nap I could wish for. The cries of my babies got my attention and I walked up to their nursery.  As i entered their laid my babies crying out. Right away i went to change their diapers. Wonder if brandon is asleep because he gets tired as much as i do. After making my children sleep I slowly retreated to my room with brandon. I turned on the lights and to my surprise he wasn't there. Okay then. Maybe he went out to get some groceries.  Wait why would he were pretty good we just went yesterday. Deciding to wait for him I sat on the couch watching mob wives. Which by the way was getting good. The door creaked open and in walked brandon at fucken two in the morning. I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance.

"Good morning sunshine, " I coldly stated. How dare he come home at two in the.... is he DRUNK?!?!

"Hey beau.. tiful," he hiccuped. Oh my...

"Are you drunk?!?" The nerve of this guy I can't even. To say I'm dissapointed or angry is an understandment.

"Chill babe-"

"Don't tell me to chill! Do you know what time it is-" He neared me and grabbed me so rough. My word were cut short as he kissed me. I tried pushing him away but my efforts were usless. Kissing him is the last thing I want to do right now. My words were muffled as he continued kissing me. He started trailing love bites on my neck. Gaining enough force I pushed him off.

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