Chapter 60

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My breathing became unsteady but I was rapidly taking deep breathes. Oh god this hurts! This seems too surreal.

"Babe breath," Brandon repeated for the billionth time.

"Damn you," I cursed gripping his hand. Probably sucking the life out of him.

"Babe your hurting me-"

"Imagine the pain im going through. Grow a pair and man up because your pain is nothing compared to mine," I bit out. He had the nerve to chuckle. I'm glad he's not taking this to heart. Usually I babble but right now if anyone says anything chances of me not making a remark are extremely low.

After the ride I was wield in to the emergency room.

"Mam you need to-"

"Just give me a few seconds please."

I felt myself sweating and in so much pain!

"Zoella listen to me. Your a strong girl and the pain your feeling is going to go away. Also your dad wanted me to tell you to hang in there, " Ms. Marks stated. A smile tugged on my lips and it helped me relax. Well not really but it atleast put a smile to my face.

"She's five centimeters dilated," I heard someone say. I'm trying to keep my breathing steady. I know my children are okay I've been going daily to the doctors to see if my kids are alright. The doctors seem concern about me since I have bruises from when kyle hit me. Even brandon was concerned and pist off. I told him to let it go because I don't want him to arrive late to our babies birth just because he was beating the life out of kyle. It's not worth living in the past when really it should stay in the past. I know I'm a hypocrite because I would duel in the past but... that's just me.

"I can't believe the time has come-"

"Well believe it bud." I groaned. The rest of the time I was yelling and screaming. Oh and Cursing out brandon blaming him for the pain I'm going through. My heart was beating rapidly and more people came in.

"Okay zoella the time has come for you to start pushing."


"Okay zoella breath and-"

He didn't get to finish once I let out a big scream. I was breathing but fuck it hurt.

"Damn you brandon," I sobbed gripping onto his arm.

"Let it out baby," he commented. Push after push left me feeling weak yet I managed to find some strength in me. I heard a baby crying and my ears perked up. Another wave of pain cursed through me and I knew I wasn't done.

"Okay breath and push," a nurse reassured me. After pushing I hear another cry. Brandon's eyes softened and I was able to relax. He leaned forward and kissed me. It was more like a peck since I felt myself drifting off. Last thing I heard was zoella.


"Zoe bo wake wake wake up!"

"Dylan shut up god I'm not even making a big scene."

My eyes fluttered open and it was so bright. Did I die or something?  My eyes adjusted to the lighting and focused on my friends.

"Hey guys," I croaked out sending them a weak smile. Going through what I went through makes me think differently of how many more kids I would ever want.

"Is she awake?!?" My eyes landed on my beautiful boyfriend. He seemed a bit tired but then again I did pass out.

"Where are my kids-"

"Don't worry there fine and the nurse is actually going to bring them in a bit."

I couldn't believe I'm going to see my little angels. What are we going to name them?!?

"Brandon what are we going to-"

"Name them," he finished saying my sentence. I never really thought the whole names through I guess or maybe I did-regardless.

"How about Jack and jill-"

"No! I most certainly- ugh. what about sophia? Our boy should probably be named.... derek?"

He seemed concentrated as if he were analysising the names carefully.

"Nicole and umm how about Carter."

My head popped up at the boys name. I like Nichole but... i don't know. Oh! How about movie character names!

"I like the hunger games we should name them katness and peeta," I giggled. Okay so maybe I'm being medicated or something. Brandon let out a hearty  laugh making me smile.

"Carter and Candice how about that?" He suggested. Oh my god.

"Perfect!" I chirped up smiling like a fool.

"Zoella sleep a little and I promise you'll see our children in a bit." I would of protested but I felt my eye lids shutting.

"Zoella babe let's have some fun," I heard a voice say. My whole body froze and I opened my eyes in horror.

"Kyle," I croaked out.

"Exactly now let's have some fun," he purred. I tried to run but for some reason I was restrained. My lips trembled as he got on top of me. No!

"No! No! No! Get off! Stop-get off!"


"Zoella darling wake up!" I heard someone shout. My eyes opened and I felt myself hyperventilating.  In the room was Riley, Roger, Ms. Marks, Nathan, And some girl. I felt myself trembling.

"Zoella are you-"

"Yeah I'll be okay," i stated firmly.  Fuck that nightmare seemed so real. Wait where's brandon? Just then in walked brandon with a nurse. My eyes landed on what brandon was craddling. My babies.

"Met Candice and Carter," he beamed. My children had the most beautiful blue eyes. I can't believe...

"Their beautiful," my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. All the morning sickness was worth it. I did get judge full looks from certain people out on the street or malls. They can judge me all they want because I don't care. I may have gotten pregnant at an early age but what's done is done. Now this moment in meeting my children makes everything seem worth anything.

"I can't believe they were in my stomach and now I get to hold them," I squealed but flinched a little.

"I knew they would make cute babies," Riley joked making everyone Crack up. This is the first time I see her smiling. Apparently my babies brightened everybody's mood. This seems to be the start of something new.

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