Chapter 28

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Riley pov

I miss talking to him! No I shouldn't even think about him! I have Rivers and I should just think about him because I love him and what I did to him was just wrong. Not only did I hurt him but I made myself seem like those type of girls. Even though he did cheat on me but we're over the past. We both had our own faults in this.

"RILEY!" Rivers called breaking me out of my thoughts. He looked upset?

"River i-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence when he pulled me with him. His grip on my arm was hurting me and I could sense something was definitely wrong. He changed after that night and I wouldn't blame him. He's been acting peachy but I know that's just an act

"Look i don't know how to say this but-"

"River It's okay I don't blame you if you want to break up," I finished up for him. In a way I'm kind of glad were ending this but I feel extremely guilty. I was surprise when his hands cupped my face and his face remained still.

"I was going to say I can't be there to celebrate your birthday with you. Seriously your thinking of breaking up. Is it because you want to go round two with Nathan," he growled making my skin turn cold. He scares me I won't deny that but I refuse to show any fear. I atleast have some fight in me.

"River chill it with the tone and no you just made it sound like that," I stated. Without warning he smashed his lips on mine and pulled me closer toward him. I didnt like the fact that he forced kisses now. I don't like it but he's so much stronger then me that I can't even prevent him.

He pulled away and smirked. I turned and saw Nathan looking at us. The expression on his face remained the same but I can see the hurt in his eyes. Im so sorry Nathan.

"River what the hell," I scowled fighting the urge to smack him across the face.

"Let's go," he stated bluntly. He pulled me again and put his arm around my shoulder. At first it seemed like a great idea but now it's seems like it's going to be a nightmare.The drive over there was quiet and awkward. He drove like a freaken maniac and way over the speed limit. I looked out the window and saw my old house. I kind of miss it but I can't turn back. I would say fear is starting to consume me. Our house was located in the forest and it was atleast a thirty mintue drive away. It seems peaceful and nice but then again it's private property and no one lives nearby. That makes me uncomfortable.

"Get out," River announced and I noticed I was seriously so into my thoughts I didn't even notice we were here. I got out and walked over toward my new home. Once we got inside I went to my room and dropped off my backpack.

"So I'm curious to why my girlfriend is wearing such revealing clothes," River blurted out scaring me. I turned and there he was standing by my door way. I was confused since I wore shorts that weren't even that short and a sleveless shirt that had a name of a band.

"What do you mean? My outfit isn't even slutty and covers up," I remarked. His jaw clenched and I felt my heart beating a bit faster due to the fear that was starting to build up again.

"You really need to stop responding back to me with your little attitude," he growled. I bit my tounge from saying anything.

"You know since that night you spend with Nathan it really hurt me. You should make the right somehow," he taunted. My eyes grew wide in realization. No he doesn't mean...

"River I-I-I... please," I choked out.

"Shut up! You wanted this so now im treating you like a slut and I swear to god if you try to leave me I will kill you," he exclaimed. I shook my head and tired to walk away. His hand held my arm and I was not expecting what happened next. I laid on the ground hold my check that throbbed in pain. Lately he's been more violent and aggressive. I suspect his dad put him on steriods but Did he just punch me?!?! I didn't have time to think since he pulled me by the hair and threw me on the bed.

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