Chapter 51

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Making it right

Your a moron


why can't you fucken appreciate her or atleast make things right. What has mom taught you.


Hailey hates you because you can't for once make things right!

"Oh really?!?! Your so fucken unbelievable you know that! Why can't you for once even care! God knows why I've given you so many chances. Your a sad, pittyful, and a cold man you know that. Just leave and fucken stay out of our way because we care for zoella and we want to find her"

Her words keep repeating and the way she looked at me with such... hatred.

"Why do I feel so guilty," I murmured to myself as i ran a hand through my hair. I tend to do that a lot when I'm stressed.

Why the fuck am I stressed....


"Hey lad what's up," I heard someone say. I looked up and noticed it was my brother Marshal.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. This isn't his scene and he hardly drinks.

"Can't a guy have a night out with a group of his friends," he joked nudging my arm. He looked carefree and happy even though he wasn't married or dating anyone. I remember I use to be like that when I was young, single, and life was simpler. Nothing to worry about or anything to over think.

"Finally giving yourself a day off of working," I stated and took another drink of my beer.

"Pretty much but we're doing so good in business then we ever have. The offer still stands there for you though... i don't know why you refuse to take it. It could benefit you and your daughter-"

"She's not mine!" I bit back gripping my beer.

"Oh really?!? Then tell me why is it she looks similar to you than her own mother. I don't know why you even took her word. You know she's full of shit and is capable of anything... anything," he scowled. In other words he's telling me I'm an idiot for believing the she devil and neglecting my possible daughter. He is right in something though- no actually in two things. 

ONE... that zoella does look similar to me than Melissa.

TWO.... Melissa is capable of anything because she tricked me into believing she was pregnant.

I use to think this a while ago but the idea just seemed to crazy. What if Melissa was never pregnant and she schemed a plan in somehow getting a baby. You see what I mean crazy ideas I had. I stop making circles around these crazy thoughts and put them aside.

"What I find fucked up about you is that girl had no fault in anything! Yet you put her through hell and the last time I visited I was able to see just how broken she was and now I don't even know how she is," he bit out. He cares so much about Zoella just like I still do but I'm just so consumed of rage.

"I don't either," I breathed sighing.

"Of course you don't brother but make things right for once and tell her how sorry you are. I know your a wuss to own up to your mistakes but I can see in your eyes the regret you hold."

How is this man still single? He's right though... again. I do regret but somehow I couldn't change my attitude toward zoella.

"I don't know if I can bro... you see-"

"Fuck your pride. No body gives a shit about that Roger for fuck sakes," Marshal sighed shaking his head at me. I smack him in the head for cutting me off. He glared at me and then rubbed the back of his head.

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