Chapter 29

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Hello readers! I'm so in love with some music i found. Ugh it's so good and to think it took me this long to find them. Anyways I know I'm blabbing alot sorry... I just really want to say thank you and in Zoella's Pov somewhere in this chapter I recommend to listen to Cat and Mouse By The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. It really goes with the chapter in a way. I kept putting the song on reply when writing her Pov. So I would strongly consider you guys to do the same. I just like how it goes with the mood of the story. Hope you guys enjoy! ♡





A given surprise

Damn what rhymes with orange? borange....  dorange... Ugh forget poetry.  I'll try to write Zoella something cute.

My heart beats only for you whenever your near me. I can't explain what I feel for you, but it feels like love. Maybe I might seem like a fool  to everyone, but it doesn't matter because they don't know

"About our undieing love," Dylan sighed smiling up at me. I punched him on the shoulder and then again.  He groaned and glared at me.

"That's for yesterday and for reading my... whatever this is called," I murmured putting my paper away.

"awww but baby-"

"Okay don't call me. I thought you understood I only wanted you for one night," I sighed laughing once his mouth opened in shock. Me and Dylan were never meant to function because I'm not into blondes.

"You know what I don't have to take this from you," he stated and turned back to the front. This kid is just so weird at times. Chuckling to myself I finished off writing my feelings for Zoella. I know Lame, but hey I'm in love so I don't give a fuck.


"But babe I crave Chocolate pickles," Zoella groaned holding on to my neck. I Carried her Bridal style since her feet were aching her.

"Usually a girl would want chocolate covered Strawberries-"

"But I'm not a usual girl," she cut in flicking my nose in a playful way. Maybe she all she wants is chocolate.  Shopping by a dollar tree I got her a hersey bar and I picked up some pickles in the local market. I have never seen a girl so happy a boy pickles before. Come to think about it she was never a fan of pickles. 

"Zoella, What do you want to watch-"

"The notebook!" she exclaimed cutting me off.

"How about something scary for a change," I pipped in not wanting to watch the notebook. To my surprise she agreed and ate her pickle and hersey. We ended up watching The wrong turn 3. Not that scary, but it really scared Zoella. Anything with canabols scares her. Weird enough she likes zombie movies, but is scared of movies with canabols. I know weird right. She says it's because Canabols are real and Zombie aren't.  Funny how Candice and Zoella argued over this topic. It really made my day watching them two go at it. It kind of went something like this:

"How is it possible that dead people can come back to life and walk the earth!  Hello? Their brains aren't functional thus they shouldn't walk!" Zoella argued.

"But they can since it's their spinal cord plus some of them at just weird like that."

"But Canabols are people who love to eat humans and they can actually function with strategies and shit," She spoke up. Candice kept going at it and They only stopped when I made a comment. Which I shouldn't of since they both started making fun of me. Dylan defended me and let me tell you he is the worst person to defend me. It went something like : Hey don't start picking at him! So what if brandon isn't the brightest person in the world and hit puberty late. Don't judge him because he is a sensitive person who cried when watching Oliver and the company.

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