Chapter 20

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Birthday Boy

Where am I? Ugh my head! Why did I even drink it? I tried to sit up but failed miserably when I noticed something holding me back. oh my gosh was I tied to the bed or something since there's something strong holding me. I opened my eye and noticed my surroundings. It's a bit messy but it looks nice thats so brandon-Brandon! It's Brandons room! I noticed he had his hand securely over my body.

My upper cheek hurt so much but I doubt my moms hit is going to leave a mark. Sadly I had to go back since my mom kept bothering Ms. Marks so I decided to just stop the commotion and just go back.

I can't keep doing this though. I would be damed if he found out I came drunk. I didn't even now I drank something that strong. My mom actually forced the beer down my throat but still I can't keep letting her do this type of shit to me. I managed to carefully remove his hand and walk out of his room. My head felt like someone had been blaring up music in my head. My head is just beating up and it's the worst pain I've felt. I grabbed some pills and swallowed them with some water.

"Everything okay," Lucas asked. I nodded my head and drank the rest of my water.

"Yesterday sure was a fuzz but im glad everything is alright," he mentioned making me squint my eyebrows.

"I know you were drunk," he commented making my eyes widen in surprise.

"It's complicated too be honest," I admitted.

"It's okay Zoella im not one to judge but I know your a smart girl and you'll figure out a solution to the problem your being faced with because there is always a solution to a problem. The tricky part is realizing how to attack the main source of the problem. From there it will all flow naturally and things will get easier."

Woah. Lucas is a great guy no wonder Brandon adores him and Caroyln loves him.

"Lucas it really means alot to me," I admitted. With that he left and I was alone in peace. Since im here why not clean up a bit. I washed all the dirty dishes and tightened up a little in the kitchen. I headed up stairs and decided to take a quick shower. As i finished showering I suddenly remembered the beating I got yesterday. That punch felt like it left a mark. Oh gosh I hope it didn't! I quickly dried myself and went to the mirror. I gasped as I saw how badly bruised up it was and my lip had a little cut on it. Maybe Brandon didnt notice it and hopefully won't question me. I dressed up and dried up my hair. Since it was breakfest why not put my hair in a french braid. After handling my hair I went quick on covering my bruise so he wouldn't question me. I winced a little when I applied lipstick to my lips. Yesterday was pretty hectic.

"Zoella honey I just want to say thank you for cleaning up-"

"Oh it was no problem at all Carole," I pipped in as I stood up.

"Awww you look so gorgeous Zoella. Loving the outfit," she commented making me smile wide.

"Thank you Carole and loving yours too," I replied. She stuck out a model pose and made me laugh.

"Carole I swear your so random. I know where brandon gets it from," I joked and she send me a wink before leaving. She's such a weirdo but that's why I love her. I know I've said it many times but it's true.

I put on my flats that had a flowery pattern and made my way to Brandons room. Hmm should I wake him up nicely? Nah! With that being said I jumped on Brandon. His eyes flutter open and at first he was surprised but a smirk crept onto his face.

"I could get used to waking up and finding you in this position, " he teased. It all then registered into my mind the position I was in. Talk about embarrassing moments!

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