Chapter 34

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Always finding a way back...

"Crap," I mumbled under my breath knowing the already familiar feeling I was getting. Getting up quick on my feet I dashed to the bathroom and pucked my guts out. It hurts so much!

"Zoe?" I heard Nathan call out. I don't want him to see me like this. I look completely helpless since I'm weak right now, but I don't want any help. I've been okay by myself and I just need to try to always remember that.

"I'm fine Nathan!" I replied dully taking deep slow breaths.  I rinsed my mouth with some mouth wash and brushed my teeth after. Smile, laugh, and repeat. Keep your head up.

After repeating the same thing over I washed my face. I had a dream that I was with Brandon... We looked so happy and once I woke up I found myself crying. I washed my face after brushing my teeth and walked out of the bathroom to lay back on the bed.

All I really want to do is sleep all day. Nathan and Riley were planning on taking me to a little party, but honestly that's the last thing I want to do . Deep down I fear if I do go I might see Brandon. I know he went to a party the night of our fight. I wouldn't of known if Candice hadn't texted me why didn't I come with Brandon to their party. If it wasn't her who told me then i would of found out threw facebook or Instagram. No I am not stalking him, I just so happen to of been tagged in some post with pictures showing the party. Apparently some girl looked like me and they were pointing out my so called twin. No shocker Brandon was in the back of that photo chatting with some of his friends. It stung a little and what has me going crazy is I don't even know where we stand as of now. Classic how he left me though when I need him the most. It's not the first time someone I grew to love left me.

"Are you sure you don't want to go-Zoe come on it's barely Four in the afternoon. You still have time to get ready so we can All  go, " Riley plead wanting me to go. Damn have I really just been sleeping. I needs to get some food in me and my baby pronto!

"I'm alright. I just... Don't feel well." My stomach began to growl. Deciding I need to eat now I got up and went to the kitchen.

"I'm just going to make some breakfast, seeing that I've basically over slept-"

"Oh don't worry Me and Nathan whipped up a buffet for you," Riley chirped giving Nathan a nudge. These two would make the worlds cutest couple.  To bad their not dating eachother.

"We hope you like it and we'll see you later since Dylan won't stop bugging me. He also said I need to go buy snacks-So I've got to go-"

"Well I'm ready so let's go!"

I waved a goodbye to them since my mouth had food in it. Right now I feel so relieved. Most of it has to do with me finally eating some food. The other reason has mostly to do with it being so peaceful here. I love my friends don't get me wrong, but sometimes I enjoy the quiet.

After I finished eating I washed the dishes and turned on the Tv. No shocker there was a romantic movie on. I wasn't in the mood to watch any mushy love movie. Why should I watch something I know will probably upset me. Instead I can watch some cartoons or an action movie. Oh! The comebacks is on!

I held my phone and decided to message some of my friends. I even went through some notifications just because I was starting to get annoyed. After that I put my phone on the side table just so I can watch my movie in peace.


After the movie ended I got off the couch and grabbed my phone. I debated if I should call Ms. Marks. After all she didn't do anything to me, but I couldn't stay in the same place he was. I love him, but I guess talking to him brought out the bitterness and anger I had inside for a while. Also realizing how little I truly meant to him. Deep down I thought maybe he does care, but now I know gow he truly feels. It's stupid even thinking about him. I need to think happy thoughts and stay positive. I send Ms. Marks a quick message assuring her I'm okay and not to worry. What I found weird is I had two missed calls from an unknown. If they want to call, they'll call again. I got up found it pretty hard to do since I was really comfortable on the couch. Stop being so lazy Zoella. I guess I'm still full and super lazy to do anything. Nevertheless I need to shower and take a walk on the beach it's not dark yet so might as well.


As I walked on the sand I starred out into the ocean. My pink sunny dress flowed in one direction and my hair was nicely kept in a side fish braid. It felt so nice to walk on the beach with my thoughts gathered up and not having to think anything over again.

"Nice weather right?" someone commented scaring me half to death. I turned and noticed this young man. He looked about Brandon's height and is pretty buff. Who is he?

"You scared me. Do you come here often?" I heard myself asking. I'm curious to know who he is. Could he be someone from school? Or is he just a stranger?

"Names Marcus and ever so often," he bluntly stated. Well someone is pretty conservative.  I didn't press him to tell me more since something told me he wouldn't speak more. I continued my walk and sat on one spot enjoying the sunset.

" So  what brings you here?" he asked surprising me. I thought he left?!?

"Are you stalking me?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. I didn't mean it in a frightened or serious tone, I guess I was just curious what he would say.

"That would be implying that I follow you around often and gather up information on you. I wouldn't consider myself as to stalking you. I don't even know you-or even your name," he clarified. True.

"But seriously what are you doing here. I want to know why your here in my parents beach house."

Parents? Isn't this Nathan? Wait, is it Nathan's parent's beach house.

"This is Nathan's parents beach house," I replied instantly.

"Oh... Nevermind." With that he was gone. I watched as his figure dissapeared with every step he took. Why did he seem so down. Could that have been his brother?

After a few minutes I too went walking off. I entered the beach house and grabbed my phone to see if she had replied. She indeed replied with a big paragraph and lectured me to pick up the first time she calls. I also had an unknown text message. 

From: Unknown

We need to talk. It's Brandon.







Sorry for the short update and for the boring chapter, but I promise the next one

will be good.

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